Monday, 25 April 2016

A perfect few days.....

I took last Thursday off work. I was just not in the mood to work all last week!! haha Since Friday (22nd) was a bank holiday, I thought it would be nice to have the Thursday before it at home too. I have a lot of overtime to use, so I decided that I would use it to help make my weekend into a 4 day weekend instead of the 3 day weekend everyone else would be getting. (I always like to be different! haha)   It was soooo wonderful to come home from work on Wednesday afternoon, knowing it was Wednesday afternoon,  yet feeling like it was Friday!!

Thursday morning I was up early with Kristian. He went to work, Leah to school and I got stuck into cleaning the house. A few hours later I was finished and it was only 11am. I had the whole day ahead of me yet I wasn´t sure what I was in the mood to do. Well actually I wanted to go to the Butcher in town and buy one of his huge delicious sandwiches, then go to the Bakery and buy a huge delicious cream bun, but I didn´t. I was good!!

I thought about going into one of the bigger towns closer to Copenhagen to shop but again, decided against it. I was more in the mood to just stay at home. So that´s what I did. I played piano, read,  watched a little TV. read some more, and then I decided to go a bike ride. The weather wasn´t the best, but it was the sort of weather that I love, so I had a great afternoon out riding around the lake.

Thursday evening we watched our wedding video. We haven´t seen it in years. We haven´t had a video machine but I was able to borrow one from work that also has a DVD recorder in it so we could record it over from a VHS tape to a DVD. It was wonderful seeing our old friends from Ireland, many of whom are not with us anymore. We really did enjoy seeing it.

On Friday Kristian was off work with me. Leah was going to her friend´s sister´s confirmation so she would be gone all day. We decided we would have a date day. We started it with a long lie in. It was so wonderful not to have the alarm go off. When we did wake up we discovered it was a beautiful day outside so after breakfast we went out on our bikes.

After our bike ride we decided to head out on a short roadtrip in the car, we would eat dinner wherever we ended up. However we couldn´t wait till dinner!! We were driving for about 20 minutes when we both realised we were hungry, we saw a McDonalds sign and decided to buy a couple of Big Macs and eat them in the car by the water.....that would be lunch!

They were good - we had been hungry! We then continued on our trip, stopping at different places to admire the scenery or go a walk. 

 We ended the day with dinner in a cafe in a town called Roskilde. The food was soooo good!

It was then time to head home again. Sara and Christian were coming to stay the night as we were all going to our niece`s wedding the next day.  We arrived home exactly the same time as Sara and Christian - that was good timing. The rest of the evening was spent on the sofa, talking and watching TV. 

On Saturday morning the house was all go. We had a wedding to get ready for and everyone was rather excited!!

 Sigrid, our niece was just beautiful. It was just the sort of dress I imagined her to wear - sooo beautiful. 

Sigrid got her Casper <3 font="">

After the ceremony there was a reception in the church. We always love getting together in Kristian´s family and it was no different on Saturday.....

                                                     The cake was delicious.....

 After the reception at the church, it was then unto the party. We had the most delicious 3 course meal. Loads of speeches were held for the Bride and Groom. At 11.50pm they got to dance their first dance and then a band played for the next two hours.  The band was fantastic and since I love to dance, I didn´t sit down once. I danced for 2 hours solid!! I was feeling great dancing away that was until Sunday morning, when I had to get up. NO JOKE - I COULD NOT WALK!!! haha 

The Bride and Groom left the wedding at 2.30am and by the time we said our goodbyes and drove home it was 3.45am. We were shattered. So Sunday was a quiet day for us. I couldn´t walk, my right leg and heel were killing me, so I hobbled out of bed and unto the sofa, were I spent the whole day with my leg raised up on the sofa. I really thought I wouldn´t be able to go to work today and was a little worried that I would need to cancel my trip to London for the Hillsongs Woman´s Conference starting on Thursday so I did what is natural for me to do - I prayed. 

I lay in bed last night with my hand on my heel and spoke the promises in God´s word about healing, over my heel and leg. I then fell asleep and woke this morning in no pain. I even went training this afternoon!!   Normally if my heel is sore (I have problems with Achilles Tendonitis) it can take days for it to get better, so this is another miracle from God. 

Monday, 18 April 2016

What have we been up to?

Once again the week just flew by! We have been busy - but in a good way. So what have we been up to? Well nothing very exciting!!! Here are some pictures from a few of the things that we got up to.....

We went a few bike rides in the beautiful nature surrounding us.

Sara came back home to us on Wednesday evening so all peace was gone!! hihi

I made some delicious food over the last week - really surprised myself!! We had a few cosy dinners all together.

I had time out with one of my girlfriends. We hadn´t seen  each other in a while so it really was time for a cake date.  We had some delicious cake and great conversation. Thanks Rhona for a lovely afternoon!

 The cake was sooooooo good!!! I was tempted to have two pieces but resisted - honestly,  I only ate the one!

I went to the hairdressers and got a hair cut!!

 We had a visitor from Jutland. Sara´s friend came to stay for the weekend. She is such a lovely girl and we so enjoyed having her.

 There was time for a shopping trip to Copenhagen with the two girls.

One thing that was missing a bit this last week was Kristian.  He had a big race to get ready for, so a lot of his free time was spent on his customers getting their carts ready for the race.

He had a good weekend away at Copenhagen racing track and a couple of his drivers came in 2nd and 3rd so he came home a happy man!

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Another week gone!!!

HELP!!! Where is time going? Another week has gone and just a bit too quickly!

Last Monday was Bible Study night and what a blessing that was! It is great to take some time out to study God´s Word. It never fails to bless.

Here is a wee thought - God´s heart for us is found in Colossians 2, 2-4
"I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have a mind confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God´s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else."  (The Message)

This blessed and challenged me. It blessed me to know that God wants to know me intimately, He wants me in touch with everything there is to know of Him. This also challenged me, cause do I want that? Do I have that desire to be in touch with everything there is to know of God? (For me personally I do, but I don´t however always achieve that goal!) 

But if I am in touch with everything there is to know of God - if He is my focus, I will have a mind that is confident and at rest. This made me think about the days when my mind is worried and I am not at rest - why is my mind in that state? It must be because my focus has shifted from God/Jesus to my circumstances or other things. So when I know this, I can do something about it, I can redirect my focus back to God/Jesus, get back to knowing Him and who He is. This in turn has a positive effect because I automatically come back to being in rest again. 

So pay attention to your mind in the coming week, if you suddenly find yourself worried check where your focus has been. I am willing to bet it hasn´t been on God and who He is!!! 

Ok better stop - I am getting a bit carried away here!!

On Tuesday Leah, Lasse, Kristian and I headed out to see movie. We had a quick bite to eat here at home, before going to the cinema to see London has fallen. Oh my what an exciting film! My heart was in my mouth for the whole film! The scary thing about the film was the fact that the scenario could actually take place in the world we live today. It was all rather too realistic to what we see in the news, although in the real world there isn´t always a hero to save the day.
On Wednesday Sara arrived home again. She and I were the only ones at home for dinner on Wednesday so it was lovely to have her all to myself for a few hours. We had a really cosy dinner and then relaxed on the sofa.

Thursday I went training after work then picked up Leah from school on the way home. (By the way, I have lost 5kg!!! still a few more to go, but I´m on the way!)  Sara was going out with her friend to eat so there was only Leah, Kristian and I home for dinner. It´s really nice having the kids one at a time.

This weekend has been a very relaxing weekend. Nothing exciting to report. We had time to clean the house, relax, have the neighbour over for coffee and visit family - just what we needed :-)

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Birthdays, Family and Fun.....

It´s been a week filled with birthdays, family and fun.

On Easter Monday we were invited to a 50th Birthday Party. Our "old" neighbour from years back turned 50. We have kept in touch over the years and so we were invited to a small party at her home. We were 12 couples together to celebrate her and we had such a lovely afternoon together. I think she really enjoyed her day.

On Tuesday Sara arrived back with us again. She was working in Copenhagen from Wednesday to Friday. It is actually fun having her back home.

On Wednesday our neighbour Laura had a birthday. As soon as she left for work, I got her key and was over decorating her place so it would look good for her coming home.  I hung flags up all over the kitchen and of course my "Happy Birthday" bra and pants were also hung up. I left a few presents on her table from us and then I  headed to work too. I couldn´t wait for her to get home and see her surprise.

She was thrilled with her presents - a new bathrobe and a small window sill green house that she had been wishing for.

After dinner Laura came over  and hung out with me. Kristian was at his Go-kart shop so us girls had a cosy night on the sofa watching a few episodes of  "Everybody loves Raymond"

On Thursday evening Andrew, Camilla, Lasse, Leah and Sara were all here for dinner. It was lovely to see Andrew and Camilla again as we hadn´t seen them over Easter. Andrew had been sick but was feeling much better.

On Friday evening Leah was of to her friends birthday dinner and Sara headed back home to Århus. Once again Kristian and I found ourselves alone. We were so in the mood for a burger so we headed to Burger King and had a quick dinner there. It was then home to see the final of X-factor. What a great way to spend a Friday evening - totally bummed out on the sofa, just what we needed!!

The go-kart season has started again so on Saturday Kristian was of to a race. I had a cosy time at home cleaning and organising and in between all that I played piano, read, and played guitar - it was all rather relaxing.

On Saturday evening Kristian was going over to the farm to hang out with the farmer and some of the other musical people from our wee village

Leah was going out to a class reunion, so I found myself with a Saturday evening alone. I decided I would be spontanous and invite a few girlfriends over for a girly night! I invited 6 of them but only 2 could come but that was ok, it was last minute. We girls decided to make it a Pyjama Party!! Everyone had to come in their PJs and house coats!

My friend Anne and neighbour Laura arrived all in the right gear! We had such a great evening. We got caught up with each other, saw a girly film, laughed a lot, ate way too much food, danced around the house to burn some calories from all the stuff we ate and we laughed some more!! We decided that we needed to do these sort of evenings a little more often.

Sunday afternoon we went to visit Kristian´s mum. She had been to Faroe Islands over Easter so we wanted to hear all about her trip.

While we were there Kristian´s brother Søren and his wife popped by, also his sister Hanne and her husband. It was a real cosy afternoon and it was great seeing Kristian´s mum again and hearing all about her trip.