It had been a successful trip for him. He had gotten the go-karts that he needed for his customers and he had also had time to see some go-kart racing. So he was a happy man!! He had driven through the night, so by the time he got home he was a wee bit exhausted. It was an early night for him - already at 8pm he was in the land of Nod. It was great to have him home again.
Wednesday I was up early even though I was starting work a little later that day. I decided to make the most of my morning and went for a short walk in the forest. It was a beautiful morning and I enjoyed the nature that surrounded me.
We were 10 adults all seated on comfy chairs, with our pillows and blankets. The Library served coffee, tea and chocolate. At 7.30pm the reading began. There was time for 5 short stories, each about 15 - 20 minutes long. In between each story we could go get a little more tea, coffee or chocolate. There were different types of stories, some thought provoking, some funny, some a little scary and there was also a Fairytale by Hans Christian Anderson. It was a brilliant experience. Even Kristian loved it! We totally relaxed and by the end of the evening we were soooo ready for bed.
My friend and I turned up in our PJs.
The two women that took turns to read had fantastic voices. They had a real talent for reading and making the story come alive.
We met some of our friends there so it was good to experience this with them. This will not be the last time we go to one of these evenings!
When we came home we went straight to bed.
Friday was a beautiful day. I enjoyed seeing the snow against a clear blue sky.
It wasn´t only beautiful outside, inside our school the children had painted mosaic windows and the colours were just fantastic, reflecting on the floor and walls.
On Friday there was an incident at school that just made my day.
It was Fastelavn - a bit like Halloween and all the kids were dressed up. I decided to put on a blonde wig and join in the fun. I looked awful, but that was the whole idea.
One of the little girls started talking to me about my real hair. She asked if my real hair had always been dark. I said "Yes - but now because I am so old my hair is all grey." Well to this a little boy behind her said " Laura you are not old, I think you look 27!!" That little boy made my day!! haha
Friday evening we went to the local get-together in our village.Those from the village that are interested, gather together at the Farm and eat Gullasch. On Friday we were about 50 people. The food was delicious.
We always have a sing along. Those that can play instruments make a band and the rest of us sing along. It was another cosy evening there.
The weekend also passed quickly. It was spent cleaning, reading, relaxing, and going on a date with hubby. He had invited me out to dinner on Saturday evening. Even though we had hung out during the week, we were never alone so we hadn´t had a chance to really talk, we got that chance on Saturday evening when we went to a cosy cafe and had a 3 course meal. Loads of time to talk.
Another good week gone!