Saturday, 30 August 2008

Hide and seek

I know what I said, but sometimes we all say things that we don´t the time I said I was finished giving you all romantic advice...I´m sure you can guess what is coming! Yes, yet another idea for you unromantic people in cyberworld to try.

Lets go back a few days...It was Thursday. I was meant to bike home from work but just couldn´t be bothered, so I rang my wonderful, considerate husband and asked him to come and get me in the car.

After a bit of begging, no I correct that, after a lot off begging, he gave in and said he would meet me. I stop work at 2.15pm and at 2.10pm my phone rang. It was Kristian. He was late leaving home so it would be another 15 minutes before he got to my work. That´s when I had the idea.

Beside my school there is a forest and beautiful park leading up to beautiful gardens, a lake and a castle. We used to live opposite these, so we know the area pretty well. So I told Kristian that I would go and hide in the park and that he should try and find me. After a bit of begging, yet again, he agreed. So I left school on a mission, however on the way out from school I meet so many people and talked for so long that the 15 minutes I had to find a hiding place were up.

I rang Kristian to tell him so. He was already in the park looking for I told him that he should hide and I would try and find him.It was hilarious!

The first place I thought he would hide was in our "tree house" a special tree we have in that park, so I went there, but no he wasn´t there. I then rang him to tell him that I was standing with the tree house at my back and was going to take the path to the right that led down to the lake. He should tell me if I was hot or cold. I was getting hot!! So I continued. When I got to another landmark, I called him again. This time I decided to go straight ahead down a hill, he said I was getting hotter.....and so it continued until I found him sitting on a park bench at the other side of the lake. It actually was really good fun.

We had a good laugh about it.(Now if Kristian had been any way romantic he would have thought of this idea himself, he would have packed a picnic basket, called me at work and told me to find him in the garden, then when I found him we could have had a romantic picnic down by the lake. Ah well I should be thankful that he was game enough to hide in the park.)

Funny thing is - after we decided to play this Kristian hid behind a tree in the park, until he realised people going by started quickening their pace and were looking strangely at him. He was unshaven, wearing a sweatshirt with a hood, and sunglasses. He just looked a little bit suspisous and dangerous.

Now it´s Saturday, late evening and we have had a lovely weekend. I spent Friday evening painting as well as the rest of today. It has been soooo relaxing. At one point I popped out in the afternoon to drive Leah over to her friend Mia. She is spending the night there. Mia´s mum and I are really good friends so a quick drive to drop Leah off turned into a 2½ hour visit. Kristian thought I had got lost!!

This evening there is only Kristian, Andrew and me at home. Sara is at a go-kart race. Even though she is not racing herself, she is supporting her good friend Winnie.

Kristian and Andrew are watching an action film, which I really am not interested in seeing. But they are having a great time. It´s so strange when there is only 1 child at home, but also rather cosy having them one at a time.

In the picture below you can see some of my paintings. The big one in the middle I painted last night. You can check out the other paintings, if you want by going to
Below is one of the paintings I did today. It´s from the Giants Causeway, with Andrew looking out over the water. It was taken from a photo we took in the summer while home.

I probably wont get to paint much for a while. Kristian starts back to work so I´m without my housekeeper. I honestly haven´t cleaned or washed clothes in a long, long time. It´s been nice having free time to do things like painting. Ah well, it was nice (for me) while it lasted! Back to reality on Monday!!

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