Monday 9 June 2014

Lots happening AGAIN.....

Since last I blogged we have been busy, busy, busy!!

Near the end of May we had some friends visit from Ireland. They arrived on a Thursday afternoon and went home again the following Tuesday. We had a fantastic time with them. Lots of catching up with each other and loads of laughing.You just can´t beat the Irish sense of humour! Kristian fits right in with it too and is just as happy to have people visiting from Ireland as I am. (With the accent he has you would think he was born and reared over there!! haha)

A few days after they left I headed to Ireland. It was time to go back and face visiting my homeland for the first time without dad.  It was hard. I landed in Dublin and it was raining.....lashing down! Just how I love it and all I could think about was getting home to Dad´s place to sit on his sofa and make some hot soup. Even though it was hard it felt sooo good to be back. I haven´t been back for over a year and I felt sooo at home again, like I´d never been gone.

Getting off the plane I took the bus to Banbridge were some of our good friends picked me up. I spent the night with them in Dromore. They spoiled me rotten and it was lovely to spend the day relaxing with them. On the Friday morning I was given a real treat - an Ulster Fry just like my mums. Sooo delicious! Then it was time to head up to Belfast. I wanted to visit the area where I grew up. I wanted to pop in and visit some of mum and dads old friends, and some "old" neighbours too. It was sooo wonderful to surprise them. 

I was especially glad to see dads old neighbour Ellen. It was hard going past dad´s house again and seeing it look so different. I was so emotional I was thankful that Ellen was home and I could pull myself together in her kitchen over a wee cup of tea. 

By Friday, early afternoon, I was ready to head into the centre of Belfast and check into my hotel. I was staying at the Europa!! (Got a "Deal of the Day" that I couldn´t refuse!)  I couldn´t wait to check it out and I wasn´t disappointed. It was one of the basic rooms but very comfortable. 

I had a wonderful trip to Ireland. The long weekend went by too quickly. I got to relax a tiny, tiny, wee bit but mostly I got to catch up with friends and family. If I didn´t get to see you this time I am sorry. The next time I am over I will try to stay longer and hopefully get to see more people. 

We went on a tour of the city hall. It was sooo interesting and fun. 

 Got to see loads of friends....

And I got to wear the Belfast City Councillors robes when we went on our tour of the City Hall.  They cost 4000 pounds each. All hand made.  I have never had such an expensive piece of clothing on me in my life! 

It was raining when I arrived in Dublin and raining when I left. It was a wonderful trip and I have so many good memories from it. Next time Kristian will have to come along too! 

Talking of Kristian.....he went and bought himself a new car while I was away!! Well not new, new. It´s 3 years old but a better one than he has. He had talked to me about it before I left so I knew he was interested and since he knows all about cars and the financing of them, I left it all up to him. 

I came home from Ireland late Tuesday evening and on the Thursday we went to pick up the car. We were off work and since the car was over on the other side of Denmark we took the bus to Ã…rhus - a 3½ hour journey. Sara collected us at the station and we had a cosy afternoon with her and Christian before we went to pick up the car and head home. 

I must say it really is a nice car. Kristian did well there - Automatic gear and built in navigation system....all very posh! 

 At the minute Kristian is on his way to France in his new car. He is going to Le Mans to be a flag man again. So he and his friends should be arriving there this evening - June 9th. The pre-race events start on Wednesday and then Le Mans on Saturday. He should be home again this time next Monday.

Meanwhile we are having a cosy time enjoying the good weather and more holidays. Denmark has so many bank holidays in May and June so we get a lot of long weekends. Today has been one of them and what a glorious day its been - warm and sunny. In fact all weekend has been like that and we have enjoyed sitting out playing games, chatting and drinking hot chocolate. I am so not in the mood to go to work tomorrow.......but in 2½ weeks time I am off again for 4 weeks so I can´t complain.

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