Monday 6 October 2014

I´d nearly forgotten...... to work this blog!!!

Its been sooo long since my last update that I couldn´t even remember how to log in! (but as you can see I worked it out in the end!)

So here I am again! Back for another update. Its been 3 months or so since my last post, so this is well overdue!! Sit back, relax and get ready for a mega update!! 

So where do I start? I think I´ll go back to the summer holidays. Summer has come and gone - it all went by sooo fast. We had a lovely summer. It was spent here at home. We wanted to just stay here this year and enjoy the nature on our own door step. We were tourist in our own area and we enjoyed every minute of it.

We spent some days lazying about here in the garden, reading or going walks. Other days we went on trips. The weather in Denmark was fantastic.

We went to the Folk Park...

I wonder if it was the same man that built our house??

We went and explored areas of Copenhagen that we had never seen....

We went across to Sweden (twice) and had a great time there......

We found a subway!!!

I even went gray for a few days! 

We also explored the castles close to home. We explored some new restaurants and also spent time with friends and family. Sara and Christian came for a weeks holiday and it was great seeing them.

Out with friends.....

Some cosy evenings at home.....

The whole family together 

(with Camilla - Andrews girlfriend, and Christian - Sara´s boyfriend)

We had some great food....

In the middle of everything we found time to do a make-over of our bedroom. Our bedroom was soooo boring. Just a desk and a bed in pictures, no colour, no atmosphere. I wanted to go for an old looking room....a bit Swedish, a bit like something from Anne of Green Gables. Here´s the result....

Before picture

 After pictures

I also made a sign for our bedroom wall....

It was a lovely summer holiday just hanging out at home, however one evening we got a sad phone call. 
My Aunt Kathleen (dad´s sister) died just at the end of our holidays. 

My Aunt Kathleen was a wonderful person. 
She was the kindess person you could meet. 
She would do without just so you could have. 
She would give you her last pound coin if you needed it. 
She just had a heart of gold. 
She was a person who was content. 
She would never complain and she was thankful for whatever she had. 
She loved reading and we enjoying sharing books and discussing things we had read. 
She was funny and I always loved seeing her when I went home to Ireland.  

When I went home we always went out to eat. I always got fish and chips,  she always got a pastie! 

I am soooo glad I got home in June and got to spend time with her. I found these photos on my phone and I am soooo thankful to have them of her and our last time together in Belfast. I know she wouldn´t swap places, she is home with Jesus but I do miss her.

In September we had loads of birthdays.....Kristian, Leah and Sara.

 So September went with buying presents, and organising parties.

For Kristian´s birthday we invited all his brothers and sisters and their other halves over for a BBQ. We had such a great evening with them.  

Leah had her girl friends from school over for a pizza and film night one evening. Then the next day our neighbour Laura and her daughter went out with us for ice cream. Finally on her birthday she invited her Granny Rasmussen and boyfriend Lasse out to eat with us. 

Since Sara isn´t at home anymore I didn´t need to organise a party for her (thank goodness - I´m getting too old for this!) Sara and Christian went to Berlin the weekend of her birthday. Her Christian had a birthday a few days before so they wanted to celebrate their birthdays in Primark in Berlin! haha

So thats the big update over for this time....Phew!!! 

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