Monday 12 October 2015

Happy Days....

Happy days for hubby.  See what he got to drive last weekend.....

It was his birthday present from our friend  - Laura. The present was 15 minutes in a Ferrari so Kristian didn´t think he was going to get to drive it. He thought that he would be a passenger for those 15 minutes, but he got to drive it!! He was over the moon! A great experience for the memory box!

Last week was a busy week again. On Wednesday I had been invited to give a talk to our 7th graders in their English lesson, about how I celebrated Halloween when I was a child. They were learning about American and English culture and traditions. Since it was October, Halloween was one of those traditions that they were learning about. I had fun planning it all and had a really great English class with them. 

I started the class by standing outside their door singing " Halloweens coming on and the goose is getting fat...." I had arranged this with the English teacher, they had no idea I was coming and it was fun to see their faces when I came in.  

On Wednesday afternoon I went home to visit my colleague after work. We had a lovely couple of hours together eating buns and drinking hot chocolate. It was just the sort of weather for that!

Under our school there is a very low corridor that runs all around the school. It is where all the pipes are. In the 10 years I have worked there I have never been down to see this area. 

I always hear the Janitors talking about how dusty and dirty it is down there, about the spiders and how they have to crawl, almost on their bellies when down there. I always felt sorry for them when they went down there. I had this picture in my mind that it was a really dark horrible place. 

Well, this week I got to see it! The Janitors were going down again into the dark hole and they asked if I wanted to come and check it out - stupid question!! Off course I did!!!

I was sooo surprised at how it was. Not at all like I had imagined!! Those men had me feeling sorry for them for years!! There will be no more sympathy from me when they have to go down there! It is not at all bad!!  I thought it was rather cosy down there and started working on a few decorating ideas!!! haha

Talking about decorating....we got a new sideboard. Kristian´s family had given us money for our 25th wedding anniversary. We decided to use the money on a piece of furniture that we really liked. Now we have a special piece of furniture that will always remind us of his family and their kindness to us. 

On Thursday when I came home from work, something was wrong. Usually when I get home little Zoey comes and welcomes me. I look forward to getting home and shouting hello and then having this wee kitten come running.

So on Thursday I did my normal routine. Opened the door and shouted hello but no wee kitten came. I took off my coat, hung it up, got my shoes off, still no kitten. I went through the house calling Zoey but there was no response at all. Shadow was lying on our bed totally relaxed and not really bothered by all my shouting for Zoey. I actually thought Shadow had killed her! haha

So after checking under every bed and every cupboard I knew something was wrong. I couldn´t find her anywhere. It was then I saw that our living room windows were full of mud on the outside, like a little paw had been on the window. The mud was dragged down the window and I knew it hadn´t been there the day before. Zoey must have gotten out and been up at the window trying to get in again.  That meant she had been out since about 8.30am and the time was now 5pm. Kristian was the last to leave so she must have slipped out without him noticing.

I was in a right state! I ran into my neighbour Laura and got her and Mia to come with me outside to look. We all went around the house and garden calling Zoey - there was no sign of her. Then suddenly we heard crying...we heard what sounded like a kitten, a meowing in the distance. We checked all the bushes but couldn´t find her...the more I called her the more she meowed! 

It was really hard to find out where the meowing was coming from.  Finally we realised it was coming from the neighbour`s garden across the road. We rushed over and that´s when I saw her, hidden in among the bushes meowing her wee heart out. We were able to get her out. She was all wet. It had been a cold, windy, wet day.

We got her home and got her dried off and fed. Before long she was lying totally relaxed on her favourite chair. Pheeeewwwww that was a close call!  I thought she was gone for good!!!  but I am ever so glad that we got her back!  (She fell asleep in this position.....)

Friday was our last day at work before our Autumn break. All the schools in Denmark have Motionsday which is basically a day for motion - excerising. There is no teaching on this day. 

So at our school we started the day with a couple of special people coming to help the kids warm up for their run.

There was a lot of fun out in the playground warming up with these two. The kids were then off to do their run while we got the fruit and juice ready for them all coming home. 

 Some of the 3rd graders ran 21km!!! The older kids biked 40km!! I was very impressed! They all seemed to have a really great day.

Saturday found me in Copenhagen. Kristian´s family (23 of us) were meeting up to go and see a musical.  Our two neices and nephew were preforming in a musical at Tivoli. Leah had to work and couldn´t get her shift changed so she unfortunately couldn´t make it.

Kristian was at home, he is not into musicals and so he stayed at home and started the clear out of our garage and my painting room. It has been such a mess in both these places and so Kristian was on a mission to get it cleared. I would help him again when I got back.

I was looking forward to the musical. Since the musical was being held in the theatre building in Tivoli we had free entry into Tivoli! Fun to see how they had decorated for Halloween.

The musical was fantastic! The children and young people were soooo talented and they did a very professional job, including my nieces and nephews! 

Sitting just over from us was our Royal Family. Our Crown Prince Frederik and Princess Mary with their 4 children! At one stage they all walked past us, they were sooo close we could have reached out and touched their arm! All rather exciting! (my sister-in-law took the picture, I didn´t dare!)

After the musical I headed back home to help Kristian finish the work around the house. We were very pleased with the result. 

Now I have holiday for a week and I am sooo looking forward to getting the last things organised around the house and then using time to relax, be creative, go walks and enjoy the autumn weather!

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