Saturday 9 July 2016

So far so good.....

So far our holiday has been perfect!! 

We started of the holiday just being at home. Kristian had been away at a go-kart weekend and so was looking forward to just relaxing at home. I also had been out at the weekend so I too, didn´t mind a Monday at home. We relaxed and kicked back. The weather wasn´t the best so it was a cosy day inside for us.

Monday evening Kristian had to head down to his wee shop. It was the last evening that they were open before closing for 3 weeks. I decided that I would head to Ikea while Kristian was gone and have a fun night shopping. Oh boy did I have fun.

 I went a bit mad and bought loads of stuff. I had been saving for a new sofa cover in a creamy beige colour so I decided to buy that. I got really excited though, when I saw they had new stock in. Cushions, curtains, and mats in the exact colour I have been searching for, for the last year. I could not find this colour anywhere in Denmark and then suddenly it was before my eyes!!! I felt like I had died and gone to heaven! haha

When Ikea closed at 9pm I met Kristian at McDonalds. Neither of us had eaten dinner so we had burgers together before heading home. 

Then the fun started......

I changed the cover on our sofa and put up the curtains in the living room area. I really liked them there.....
However when I put them up in the dining room area it just made the place dark and old fashioned looking. The curtains worked well in the living room with the cream sofa in front, but there was nothing cream in the dining room. I wasn´t sure about them. You know what they say..."If in doubt, leave it out," so the curtains had to go.

 Another problem I had was the mat that I bought. I got so excited about it being the colour that I wanted (a warm green/gray) that I totally forgot to look at the size!! haha It was too small. I tried to make that mat work but it just looked silly. 

On Tuesday morning (to Krisitan´s annoyance and my joy) we headed into Ikea again to return the curtains and mat. I got my money back. 

We then headed out to one of the local towns to shop. We went to all our favourite sorts of shops and just had a cosy day together. We thought about going to the cinema but decided against it. We wanted to get home and organise the house. 

I had bought new curtains (again) for the window. This time folding curtains. I decided to go with a totally different look. 

Tuesday evening was spent putting up curtains, organising cupboards and cleaning. 

 I really like the change.

Here are a few before pics.....

On Wednesday morning I used a few hours to continued my decluttering of the house. I got the kitchen cupboards all sorted and organised. Oh it feels so good to declutter and get organised.

We then decided to head out. It looked like it would rain, so we headed to one of the big shopping centres. On the way we suddenly were hungry and fancied a Danish hot dog, so we pulled over when we found a grill bar and enjoyed our hotdog by the side of the road. 

After shopping we headed into Copenhagen. We wanted to check out a place that we had heard about called Papirøen (Paper Island) where they sell all sorts of food dishes from around the world at a reasonable price. There were loads of different food stands, so you could buy your food from whatever stand you wished, then sit on whatever bench or table you could find. We had heard that the fish and chips were amazing so we went for that.

                We found an old barrel to use as a table. We were not disappointed with our choice. The fish and chips were delicious.

We then took at drive out to see the Little Mermaid and had an ice cream there. 

Thursday was spent at home relaxing again. I decluttered a few more cupboards, watched TV, and read. Kristian cut the grass, relaxed, and organised photos. It was just the perfect day at home, each doing their own thing.

Thursday evening Christian and Sara arrived. I had bought cake for when they arrived. It´s been a while since we have seen Christian so it was nice to get caught up with him again.

It was then unto the sofa to seen the football match between France and Germany. Christian was hoping Germany won, I was for France. France won!!!  We had a lovely evening with them. 

Friday morning Sara and Christian were up early. Sara was driving Christian to the airport before going into Copenhagen to work. Christian was heading to England to see Formula 1 at Silverstone. (My Kristian was very jealous!)

We were also up early as I had to be at the hospital for 11am. It was the day to get my eyes checked. 

Even though my appointment was at 11am I was first called into the appointment a little after noon!! Talk about being bored....nothing worse than just sitting at a hospital!!

The whole thing was a good experience. I got this lovely doctor who was sooooo good at explaining everything. I felt like he had time for me. I didn´t feel like he just wanted me in and out of there as quickly as possible. 

The conclusion from all the tests shows that I do have AMD - the dry type which means there is nothing they can do for me. I just have to keep an eye on things, so to speak!! (haha).  As the doctor said "You are only 47 but you have the eyes of a 65 year old!! "   

I have to go to my eye doctor every 6 months for check ups. I also have to do the Amsler Grid test every week to check if my eyes get worse. If, when I take the test, I suddenly see a big difference I have to contact my eye doctor because maybe it has gone over to the wet AMD which means they can treat it, to slow it down.

There is no timetable of how long it will take for my eyes to degenerate. AMD is when the central vision will degenerate so much so one can not see clearly, everything becomes a blur which makes driving, reading etc impossible. You don´t go blind, you just can´t focus.

 At the moment I have good eyesight. I just need reading glasses of +1,50. 

I am at peace. I will take things one day at a time. I know a God who is able to do what the Doctors say is impossible so as I live my life I will just claim his promises over my life. No matter what happens I can rest in the fact that I don´t have to face life´s challenges alone. My heavenly dad is with me and He speaks wonderful things over my life.

Above is an x-ray of my eyes. I have drawn a picture around the spots that should not be there on my eyes. The doctor explained that one thing is very unusual - the spots seem to be in a formation - like a triangle or pie shape. He has never seen this before. He took it to his colleague, the top doctor, who also had never seen this formation before. 

Normally the spots are all over the place. He said that if the spots stayed in that formation my central vision my not be affected as most of the spots are at the back of the eye and not around the middle. 

He asked if he could take my x-rays to a speical conference next week. All the top medical eye doctors and professors will be there and he would like to show them my x-rays to see if anyone has seen this formation of spots before. He took my number and said he would contact me if anyone had something to say about it. 

We were at the hospital 3½ hours and we were straving when we left. Kristian invited me out to lunch which I happily said yes to. :-) I felt a bit weird though, as I had to wear Kristian´s sunglasses as my eyes could not stand the light. I had gotten drops to make my pupils dilate.

We had a lovely lunch before heading home. 

So far the holidays have been soooo good. We have relaxed, enjoyed trips out and have gotten the house organised. All things that are good for the soul. 

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