Wednesday 1 February 2017

A new month - already?!!!

I can´t quite believe that it´s 1st February already! January seemed to go by so quickly, (although on the financial side, it went slow! From about the 10th January I was looking forward to pay day,  I thought it would NEVER come!!)

We had a busy January.

We got a little snow - but it didn´t stay long:-( 

I had a few nights out with a few different friends. The first night out was with an old neighbour. We had dinner together at an Italian restaurant and then went to see the new Will Smith film - it was rather special, but I liked it (we both had a wee cry in the cinema!) We had such a lovely evening together.

Another night out on the town was with my friend Audry. Guess where we went?  Yes, Ikea - our favourite place!

There was the Sewing Club one Thursday, there were bike rides with the old people.

I also had to work late one day and when I went to bed I looked at my step counter to see how much I had walked. I had managed to walk over 14km!!! That explained why I was sooo tired!! Needless to say, I slept like a baby that night! :-) 

Off course I had to have a few dates with hubby in January too - we have got to keep the romance alive in 2017!!

One date night was out at the movies. Another was out in the forest and back home to homemade chocolate fudge cake, hot out of the oven with ice cream!! It was delicious!

We also went to visit a town in the South of Denmark. We hadn´t been there for years, so we took a Saturday to go and explore the place. We had lunch in a lovely Italian restaurant (Hhhhmmmm I seem to have a thing for Italian restaurants! Should I be living in Italy instead of Denmark?!) 

We loved walking about the place seeing the old buildings and just hanging out together.

We ended the day by going to see Kristian´s brother Peter and his wife and kids. They had just moved into their new home that they had specially built! We wanted to check the place out - it was gorgeous! We brought cake along and they made coffee/tea and we had a lovely couple of hours with them before heading home. 

Last weekend I spent with Kristian´s sister Hanne. We went to a Bible Conference in one of the churches in Copenhagen. It started on Friday evening and ended Saturday evening. Since Hanne lives in Copenhagen I went down to her after work on Friday. We took the bus into the meeting and then I went home and stayed at her place. We had a lovely weekend not only together, but with alot of other Christians.

Kristian came and picked me up from Hannes on Saturday evening. 

 I also started drawing again - and not just in my Bible journalling. My friend at work is one of the Art teachers and she challenged me to start drawing again, she also inspired me with her own drawings - so I did it. It has been sooo much fun (and rather relaxing!) to sit and draw in these dark winter evening. 

Yesterday (31st March) I stopped work early. I was going to Copenhagen to meet my friend Genny. She had received a gift card for a facial in one of Copenhagen´s oldest massage clinics and she wanted to take me along to enjoy the gift with her. 

What an experience that was!!! WOW 1 hour of cleansing, scrubs, creams, head massage, neck massage, face massage, steam, hot towels - wow I felt like a million dollars after it all.

We then went out to dinner to chat and catch up with each other. 

Earlier in the day, just before I left work, Sara rang me to say hello. She told me she was on her way to Copenhagen with work. She was going to a Conference and was staying in one of the hotels close to where the Conference was. I told her I was on my way to Copenhagen too so we arranged to meet for tea/coffee later in the evening after her meetings and my dinner with Genny.

By 8pm her meetings were finished and we were able to meet. It was soooo lovely to see her walking along the train station towards me, and even though we only had 1½ together, it was sooo good. 

Even though January treated us pretty good, we did get some sad news near the end of the month. 

Some friends from Ireland had sad news, their father died. (It´s at times like these that being miles apart is hard.) 

Billy was a really lovely man. I knew him from our church. He was always such a gentleman, always had a smile on his face and he was so easy to talk to. He loved Jesus so I know where he is today, (I like to think that my mum and dad were there to greet him at the gates of Heaven.) I know he wouldn´t swap places, but for those left behind it is hard and I feel for his wife and our friends - his children. They have to learn to go on without him and that is not easy. One thing is for sure - they have many precious memories. 

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