Tuesday 14 February 2017

I got to play Granny.....

So last weekend I got to play Granny. We had asked our friends Jette and Filip if we could borrow their kids for a few hours to take them a trip to Copenhagen for some fun. They were more than happy for us to look after them for a while.

So we left early Saturday morning and headed into Build a Bear in Copenhagen. What a blast we had in there! (Or maybe I should say I had a blast! haha) Well the kids enjoyed it too, Kristian was the only one who kept rolling his eyes at me! haha 

Josefine had been saving her pocket money for a Bear and so she was able to buy an Elsa Bear! She was over the moon. 

After that we headed to Toys R Us so Jonathan could look at some boy things.

Kristian and Jonathan headed to the boy`s section while Josefine and I went exploring in the girl`s section. I had promised to buy them each something from Toys R Us. However they couldn´t find anything they liked so I suggested (to Kristian´s disgust) that we head over to Ikea. 

Well it was sooo hilarious to see how the kids reacted - they got soooo excited. (Kristian on the other hand didn´t!) 

Kristian said he would go to the electronic store as he was not putting a foot in Ikea. (All the stores are situated in the same complex.) So away he went to his shop and I went with the two kids to mine.

As we walked over to Ikea Jonathan turned to me and said "Laura, why does Krisitan want to go to such a boring shop! Ikea is much more fun." He is my kinda kid!! haha

It was sooo much fun being in Ikea with those two, they literally got sooo excited to be there, and Jonathan was showing me loads of things that he thought was great. He kept saying "I love Ikea, don´t you Laura! " haha 

The highlight for them was going down into the plant section. So I ended up buying them not a toy each, but two plants and pot holders for them. They were soooo happy with their presents. 

Kristian was finished long before us so he came and joined us in Ikea and couldn´t believe how excited the kids were to be there! haha 

We had a blast! We ended the outing with a trip to McDonalds for lunch. It was then home to their mum and dad for dessert - apple crumble and cream. A perfect way to end the day.

It was such a fun day out and I enjoyed playing Granny sooo much. The kids were a pleasure to have and it was wonderful to have two chatterboxes in the car again!

On Wedensday we went to a concert - a Bryan Adam`s concert. We had bought tickets together with a couple of our friends Mette and Klaus. Mette works right in the centre of Copenhagen so we met up at her work before the concert and ordered pizzas for dinner. 

The concert was brilliant. Bryan never fails to deliver a fantastic concert!! 

There was a lot of snow that evening so we had to drive rather slowly the whole way home - but Copenhagen was sooo beautiful covered in a blanket of snow.

I got another drawing done during the week. My first attempt at drawing from a photo and not from a lesson on Youtube. It is mean´t to be me as a baby but the mouth isn´t totally right and the eyes too. Wish I knew what I was doing! haha

On Saturday Kristian and I had a date day planned. We got up early and headed out. It was such a beautiful day and so we went on a Roadtrip around places we hadn´t really explored before. We had such a lovely day out. 

I now have a week off work. Today was my first holiday day and I  just loved being able to do whatever I felt like!

 I decided to spoil myself today. I went to our local Butcher and bought myself one of his delcious sandwiches. Then I headed to the Bakery for a cream bun and a tin of coke! I came home and got ready for some true Danish Hygge (cosiness)!!

 I spent the morning reading, then I enjoyed my lovely lunch and finally I spent the afternoon drawing. 

This was my first attempt at drawing with colour pencils. It was sooo hard but sooo much fun. 

This evening Laura and I headed to the movies. We went to see Hidden Figures. What a great movie, I can totally recommend going to see it! 

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