Sunday 1 June 2008

Another good weekend

It´s been a busy but good weekend. Friday night was spent with my friend Anne. We had a girls night out. I met Anne when I started to work in the christian school. We hit it off right away. But Anne left the school shortly after I arrived:-( (not because of me!!! - She decided to become a full time foster parent.) So, even though I had only worked with her for 2 months, I felt like I had known her all my life.

We then started to go to the same church. Anne has two boys who are 17 and 19 and Andrew has really hit it off with them. We as a family get together from time to time for a games night. We spend the night playing games on the play station and we always have a great time together. Lots and lots of laughter.

Well Friday night was just for us girls. We went to my favourite restaurant "The Mexican" and we stuffed our faces with delicious mexican food. The night flew by as we chatted and laughed. We had thought about going to see a film but we talked so much that we lost track of time. Walking through town heading home I was sure we were going to get arrested for distrubing the peace. We laughed soooo much that we ended up crying. I am sure other people thought we were drunk...but all we had was iced water!!! So, after the laughing fit, we found ourselves a cosy wee coffee shop and spent the last part of the evening drinking hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream!!!

Thanks Anne for a really fun night. Must do it again sometime soon!!

Here we are at one of our famous "Family Fun nights" singing against each other.

Saturday was a busy day for Kristian. He had double booked himself all weekend. First of all it was Sara´s race weekend, so early Saturday morning he was up to drive Sara and her go-cart down to the south of Denmark. (She had a friend who could be her mechanic, so Kristian wasn´t needed.) Then he drove home again as we had been invited to his ex-bosses house for a day together with his ex- team leader colleagues. Wives and kids were invited too. We only had Leah with us as Sara was away and Andrew went to his friends. (There were no other teenagers, only kids around Leah´s age, so that suited fine.)

We arrived for afternoon coffee and had a lovely day at their house. We played games in the garden, went a walk to the beach (they live 3 minute walk away from that). Most of the kids went in for a swim. Errrr - just a bit too cold for my liking!! We barbequed together and had a great time just sitting talking and catching up. We finially headed home around 11.00pm .

Then my poor husband was driving down to the south of Denmark again were he would sleep at his sisters house. He, Signe (his sister) and her choir were giving a concert in a church near were Signe lives. After the concert he would drive down to the go-cart track and get Sara and then finially head home. Whew!! What a weekend for him!!

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