Thursday 12 June 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

It´s been a busy few days!!

Wednesday I was out with my crazy colleagues. Lene invited us home to her house for dinner. We had a really fun evening - it´s always fun with these guys....never a dull moment, believe me!!

Like take today, I came out to my car to find that they had wrapped toilet paper around it. (Now who could have done a thing like that - Peter- my boss or Thomas? probably them both!!)
Many times I find strange objects or toilet papers, hidden in my bag, that is, if I can find my bag! They tell me stories that I usually believe, until they start laughing at me, then I realise that it´s just a joke!! (it´s just because I trust them all so completely....well I´m learning!!)

Here are the crazy people (below) having a coffee break. (it is a really terrible picture of them, they look a little better in real life!!haha)

Below is Thomas - I was put in his life to teach him patiences.....long suffering.....kindness.....goodness and the list could go on!
Thomas is a perfectionist when it comes to the Danish language. That I sometimes get the grammar wrong ...(well,it´s probably a lot of the time that I get the grammar wrong, ) just drives him crazy!!! hehe (what do you expect man - I can hardly get the english grammar right never mind the Danish!!)
I can really get him going when I make up my own danish words because I think they sound better than the actual words that I should be using..... (Thomas below - another terrible picture!!)

After work today I drove to a town about 30 minutes away were CEF were holding a tent meeting for kids. Kristian and I were involved in this tent meeting many years ago. Then my friend Rhona got involved. We would go up together and stay in a caravan for the week with our kids, and hold meetings for the kids in the area.

I was up today to help them out. We spend the afternoon drawing with the kids, playing games with them, talking to them about God, and just showing them some love.
Then in the evening we held a tent meeting. Throughout the week there were about 35 kids each evening at the meeting. Tonight there was only about 12, however those 12 listened really well.

I felt really old when I met a girl who had come to the tent meetings about 15 years ago when Kristian and I lead them, she was now 25 and sat through the meeting tonight.

I am now shattered!! Am going to head off to bed. I have been on the go from 6.00am. and it´s now 10.30pm . Soooo glad tomorrow is Friday!!

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