Monday 25 May 2015

Busy week....

It´s been another busy week!
My colleague was moving house this week so I was helping her move along with some of her family and other friends. She has found herself a lovely apartment close to work. I hope she will settle in quickly and be very happy there. On Thursday we had a trip to Ikea as she needed some things for her new home.  She had no trouble convincing me to drive her in - I was more than willing!!
Friday Kristian went over to visit Sara and Christian in Århus. Sara´s Christian was racing in Århus Classic Grand Prix and my Kristian was hired to be the offical photographer for the race. That meant he got a free ticket and was allowed "backstage" in all the areas where others were not allowed. He had a great time doing what he loves - taking photos of cars!!

Sara´s Christian´s car in the picture below....
Sara´s Christian was doing really well throughout the day and on the last heat of the day - the one that counts, he was starting in first place. It looked like he would win but unfortunately he got driven off the track by another driver and so didn´t finish the heat that really counted!
So since my hubby was away for the weekend, and is often away on gocart weekends, I decided to make a new man to keep me company!! haha

I started to make him on Friday evening and the real reason was to use him at a birthday. My sister-in-law Lis was holding her 50th Birthday party today (Monday) so I decided to make something for a bit of entertainment and to give her a laugh.

My Friday evening was spent trying to get my fake man made....I had sooo much fun! (What is wrong with me?!!!) haha

In the end I finished him and called him Frank and all weekend he scared the life out of me! I forgot about him and put him in the corner of the dining room so when I came in from the kitchen I would notice this figure in the corner and jump!! Honestly!! But Frank was ready, my costume was ready and I had a song all ready for the birthday too.

Here was the finished result.....

This was taken today (Monday) at the party. Since it is Pentecost we are all off work and Lis had her party. We had a lovely day with her and the Family and I was her Irish Leprechaun brought along by Frank to the party, to help her through the crisis of turning 50!! We had alot of fun with it and since Lis loves Abba a birthday song written to the tune of Super Trouper went down a treat.

But I´m getting ahead of myself!! Back to the weekend.

Saturday I spent cleaning up the house. It was badly in need of a good clean! Andrew and Leah were both at work so I had the place to myself and got it all cleaned and organised within a few hours.

Laura (my neighbour) came over and invited me over for a smoothie and we spent a little time together planning our day. We decided that we would go to the garden shop and buy new plants for the garden and have a fun day out together, so that´s exactly what we did. We had a blast! We bought the plants we needed, we did some food shopping and we headed home again. My wee car could hardly hold anymore stuff - it was bursting at the seams with plants and food!

Saturday night and I had a clean organised house, food shopping done and plants ready to be planted in the garden. Andrew had a date with Camilla Saturday evening but Leah and I had a planned a girlie night in.

When she got home from work we made a delicious dinner and sat and enjoyed it together. Then we picked a girlie film to see and just relaxed on the sofa together. It was really lovely.

Sunday was a beautiful day. Sunday afternoon found me out in the garden. I decided I would surprise Kristian with a lovely flower bed. The flower bed has been empty for the last year. It has just been full of soil. I had no idea what I was doing...I hate gardening but I was determined to make this small patch nice.

Our fence desperately needs changed too, but since I am not able to do such jobs I decided to scrub the fence down and see if that would make a difference. It did!!


 A few hours later and this is what I had.....

I was sooo pleased. I wondered if Kristian would notice - and he did!! It was the first thing he mentioned when he came through the door that evening! He was sooo pleased with it too. (Let´s see how long the plants live!!)

So even though it has been a busy week, it has been good.  I feel like I accomplished a lot and I love that feeling.

The video above is of me being an ejit (as they say in Ireland) I was showing Kristian the costume after he came home Sunday evening.  I still had a few things to do to fine tune it and I needed his advice. You can see Leah had some friends in - our neighbour and her boyfriend and they totally ignored me! haha can´t blame them! :-)

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