Friday 29 May 2015

Sara´s home again.....

.....for another wee while!
Sara arrived home on Thursday evening. She was off work Friday and since she and Christian were coming over for "The Rasmussen Family Fun Day Out" on Saturday, a yearly event with the whole of Kristian´s family,   she decided to come a few days early.
It´s been sooo lovely having her here. It has been really special just being the 5 of us again.
Sara requested Irish Stew as a treat for dinner on Thursday evening, so that´s exactly what she got. The boys were not so happy (they hate Irish stew!) so a couple of pizzas kept them happy while us girls enjoyed our stew. We have so enjoyed having Sara around the place these last few days!

This week has also been an interesting week with my nose!! I woke up on Monday morning with such a huge bump on it. It looked like my mole had grown back - only worse!! We had such a laugh about my big pimple! It was hard for Kristian to talk to me for a few days. He was literally sitting on his hands!! All he wanted to do was squeeze the thing!  Thankfully it is starting to disappear again and my nose is starting to look good.

 Today we have been busy getting ready for the yearly Rasmussen family outing. This year it is our turn to arrange the programme.

We had planned a day out by the lake near our home but last night when we saw the weather forecast we were in a bit of a panic!! They had promised rain and a lot of wind for Saturday! As if that wasn´t bad enough, we got a leaflet in the post telling us that our roads would be closed on Saturday from 9am to 4pm because there would be a bike race!!! WHAT??!?!!! We have 33 people needing to get into our place on Saturday!!!

Kristian rang the organisers today and found out that the road will not be closed. It will just be a one way go out one road and in another. Phew - we were relieved, the family could still get to us. That was one problem solved.

The problem with the weather is a little out of our hands. We have been praying for the weather to change and actually today, the forecast has improved greatly. It looks like we will only get a little shower of rain tomorrow afternoon.  To be on the safe side we borrowed some benches and tables from one of Kristian´s friends, got the garage tidied up a little and have a heater out there to take the chill out of the air. There is room for 16 people out in the garage and sitting arrangements for 16 others here in the house. Hopefully the sun will be shining and we wont need to be inside at all but if we do, we are prepared.

This evening we decided to eat dinner in the garage just to see how it all worked. It was actually really cosy.

So now we are all set for the invasion of the family tomorrow!! Christian will arrive sometime in the morning too and stay until Sunday when he and Sara will head back to Århus.

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