Sunday 6 September 2015

What have we done????!!!!!

We have asked ourselves this question a few times over the weekend. You see a while back my friend Jette´s cat had kittens, and they were sooo lovely and cute, so it was sooo very easy to say "Yes - we´ll take one and give it a home!"
Now it´s one thing to get a kitten when you have no animals. It´s another thing when you already have one cat at home.  So  over the last week  we have been reading about how to introduce a kitten to an adult cat that is already in the home.
On Friday after work I went and collected the kitten. She is just the cutest wee thing. She is calm, curious and loving, she seems to have a lovely wee personality. We have made her a den in Andrew´s room and we have all enjoyed going in there to play with her.
The experts say the adult cat has to first get used to the smell of a new kitten. So we have been rubbing an old sock over the kitten and leaving it at Shadow´s feeding bowl. When Shadow is outside exploring we let the kitten out into the living area and the rest of the house, so she can explore and so her scent is spread everywhere.

The second part is to let the cats see each other. So today we put the kitten in a pen and opened the door to Andrew´s room. Shadow walked in to the room and saw her - I think she got a fright. She hissed at the kitten and then walked away.

It was then I asked myself  "what have we done?" Will Shadow except this wee kitten into the home? Who knows - but we will give it a try. It´s still early days. We will follow the experts advice and give it a month to see how it goes. I really hope they get along in the end for she is just the cutest wee thing.

We decided to call her Zoey. We had a vote on Saturday night. Andrew, Camilla, Lasse, Leah, Kristian and I went through a lot of girl names. We had to put an X at the ones we liked. Zoey was the only name that got 6 Xs. Sofie came second with 5 Xs and Chole third with 4 Xs. So Zoey it was!
We hope the next few weeks go well!!
On Thursday we had Leah´s friend Cecille here. She wanted to show us her new wee pet. She had gotten herself a wee dog!! It was also soooo cute!!! It was the best behaved wee thing. Not once did I hear it bark or whine.  A really content, loving wee puppy.
Kristian was sooo happy to make it home from work in time to see it. Kristian has a thing about animals. He just loves them and they love him too.

Wednesday, early evening, we arrived home from Rome after a fantastic time there. We enjoyed every minute of our silver wedding celebration  but we were also happy to be going home again.

Leah had  asked us to ring her when we got on the train from the airport as she was going to make dinner for us. When we got home she had a lovely table set and had made a delicious meal for us of Salmon and Pasta.  There was also a beautiful card from the kids congratulating us on our anniversary and they had bought us a two tickets for a Lucas Graham concert. (He is a Danish singer.) So we have that to look forward to at the start of December. I was not expecting anything so this was a wonderful surprise.

Kristian also got a wee surprise on Thursday evening - Silver envelope 21!!

It was a bottle of Happy Pills. Inside the pill bottle there are these plastic pills that you can take apart. Inside the pill there is a piece of paper. There are 50 pills so therefore 50 tiny pieces of paper that I had to write something on. It took ages!

The idea with this is that whenever Kristian feels like he needs to  be encouraged or he needs something to smile about, he goes to his happy pills, takes one out, opens it and reads what it says and hopefully afterwards, feel a whole lot better! Kristian loved this idea!

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