Wednesday 15 September 2010

If two of you agree....

Last night I experienced, yet again, a miracle.

As many of you know I had a bad toothache yesterday. It acutally started Monday afternoon and gradually got worse. So last night around 10.30pm I took two pain killers. By 11.30pm I was still in pain, so I took another pain killer (wasn´t sure if I should as it was a pain killer of another type, but I was in soooo much pain that I honestly didn´t care!) I went into bed about 11.50pm and somehow managed to fall asleep even though my tooth was killing me. The sleep was short lived. At 1.30am I woke up in soooo much pain. (and I can´t stick pain!haha) Kristian was feeling rather helpless. Seeing me in pain was really getting to him.

As we lay in bed, me in tears and moaning, he said "Laura, let´s do what you always tell me to do - let´s agree to move this mountain." He prayed and commanded the pain to leave my mouth in Jesus name and I just lay there thanking God and quoting scripture while he prayed. As soon as he finished saying "in Jesus name" the pain immediately left my mouth. I was lying down and sat up in amazement and said - "Kristian it´s gone!" We lay praising God. It was amazing, the pain was totally gone. It was like someone had turned off the pain switch!!

I fell asleep and woke this morning feeling fresh and in no pain. I haven´t had one single pain killer today. I am still going to the dentist tomorrow to get her to look at the tooth and fix it up. I can feel there is something wrong with it but it is not painful.

I suppose some people will call what happened a co-incidence, the tablets finally taking effect.....but not me - for me it was truly a miracle!! God stopped the pain - I have no doubt about that.

Now now I just need the courage to get through tomorrow!!
I´ll keep you posted about the dentist:-)


Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura praise God!!!! Make sure you do go to the dentist tomorrow, to get it checked out.

Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you!!!!

Laura said...

Thanks Pauline:-) I must sing that song over the next few hours! Am totally dreading going but I WILL NOT chicken out:-)

Rhoda said...

God is good indeed:)
Honestly Laura, the fear of the dentist is far worse than the reality!!!