Thursday 25 November 2010

It´s starting to feel a lot like Christmas.....

Waking up to a world covered in snow, sure makes it feel a lot like Christmas!!

I didn´t have my car today as it was at the mechanic getting its winter tyres. It was like the "good old days" again, me back taking the train. I am so thankful for my car, especially in this kind of weather!

Today we had a special celebration for one of my colleagues. He has been "clean" (off drink and drugs) for 5 years, so we made a big fuss of him. We bought him a present along with loads of bread and HUGE Danish pastries! We sure know how to celebrate!! I was stuffed! The Danish pastry was soooo delicious and filling. We ate it at break time and by lunch time I still wasn´t hungry!!

Today was "cut and paste" day at school. All the classes made Christmas decorations and hung them all over their classrooms. I didn´t have any English to teach, it was rather nice just being cosy with the kids. The time went way too fast!

After work I was off to see my friend Rhona. It was time for our traditional hot chocolate, this time the weather was perfect for it! It was wonderful to see Rhona again. I love meeting up with her and catching up. I am sooo blessed to have great friends in my life!

1 comment:

lisa said...

Great to hear from you again (Ive a cheek I know)!! You've been quiet on facebook is what I mean! The snow looks lovely, but thats as far as I go Im afraid, looking at it in a photo haha! Once again, great to hear from you.