Saturday 27 November 2010

The weather outside is....

.....awful, although some others might say it´s wonderful!!

It has been snowing in Denmark all day! 40cm of snow has fallen and they are promising more. In my world that spells trouble! Trouble getting the car out, trouble driving the car, and even trouble parking the car! A simple task can become
complicated when there is alot of snow lying on the ground!

I was thankful that I had done all my shopping yesterday on the way home from work. I didn´t need to venture out in it today. Unfortunately Sara had to work in the local supermarket and then walk home after work. By the time she got home she was exhausted. She took off her boots, came in and sat down and ended up falling asleep on the chair.

I spent a good part of the morning wrapping up presents. Tomorrow we are holding a Christmas Bazar at church. I am in charge of a "Fishing" booth. The kids get to pay £1 to fish for a present. There was 50 presents to parcel today. Kristian made the fishing rods and I think we are going to have a bit of fun with this. The money raised is going to a local charity that helps women who are in an abusive relationship.

Yesterday my wee blondie daughter disappeared. Now I have two dark haired girls!! Leah has been wanting brown hair for years, so yesterday she was finally allowed to do it. Well acutally it was her friend´s mum that did it. She is a hairdresser, so she got a bit of a trim at the same time. She loves the new look. I like it too, although I do miss seeing the blonde hair about the place!


lisa said...

Brilliant! I love watching your videos. Leah's hair is really lovely, suits her a lot. It'll be unusual to see someone with dark hair and blonde roots instead of the other way around haha!! And the picture of your car is soooo funny, great! Now roll on summer!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Our weather outside is the same as yours!!! Very thick snow here too, however it's starting to melt now. I think it's supposed to snow more later in the week again!!! You must have snow tyres or chains or something, whereas here people just don't need them generally. Two of my neighbours struggled to get their cars of their drives because they couldn't get them over the snow. So after a while they gave up and stayed home!!!!

Lisa, if I'm not allowed to complain in the summer that it's too hot and sticky...

Laura said...

The weather is wild. I saw on the news that you also had bad weather. It´s beautiful this morning. The sun is shining and with the snow on the ground it is just picture perfect. Yes we have winter tyres that we use over here in the snowy weather. I just got mine on last I had one day driving in the snow without them. Then come April time I switch back to my summer ones.

I dont mind the snow if you dont have to go out. It just makes life that bit harder when heading out somewhere...but if Kristian drives then I dont mind it at all! haha

lisa said...

Ha ha Pauline, nice try, but it'll take more than that to stop me! At least the summer doesn't disable the country! Hahaha see, I cant stop, Im addicted to winter whinging!