Sunday 19 February 2012

Home again....

A week has NEVER gone by as fast as last week did. It went by too fast! It seemed like we had only arrived in Ireland and unpacked our cases when we had to pack and leave again! Having said that we had a wonderful week with dad. Some of the things we experienced......

Leah and I spent one of the afternoons in town where we visited Primark - off course!! I got to see my cousin too...and Leah had her first Starbucks!! 

One day my aunt came to visit and we ordered fish, pasties and chips for lunch. The day was spent relaxing together at home with dad,  watching some good DVD´s!

Dad had a trip to the hospital for more platelets. For those that don´t know dad is fighting leukemia and so has to make regular trips to the hospital for platelets and blood. This time he only needed the platelets, his hemoglobin levels were good.

One evening Leah and I had a girlie night out. We went for Subway and then on to see The Vow. We so enjoyed it! I did shed a wee tear - Leah shook her head! We enjoyed visiting a cinema in Belfast and seeing the differences that there were from the Danish cinemas. We sooo enjoyed our toffee popcorn, you can only get one type of popcorn at the cinema over here, and we discovered that you can also buy taco chips and dip at the cinema in Belfast. How cool is that!? Denmark you could learn alot!! 

We had a PJ day, well Leah did - a day without showering or changing, all day long in her PJs. Boy did our room smell!! haha

We also attended a funeral. One of my good friends lost her mum. It was wonderful to see Karen again, she lives in Canada so we usually are not home at the same time. However  it was sad to see her under such circumstances. Her mum was a wonderful woman. She always had a smile on her face, was great to chat with and a lot of fun too. One of those mums you could joke with. I did my work experience at Karen´s mum´s office and she looked after me well that week. She was a brave lady who battled cancer for many years. Now she is at peace. That´s the comfort in this, she knew Jesus and is now in a much better place!

One day a dear "long lost old" friend dropped by - Norman. It was wonderful to spend time catching up with him. The same afternoon my sister-in-law, niece and nephew also came by. We ate far too many cream buns from the local bakery and just had a lot of fun together. When my friend Norman left, Gillian and the kids stayed on and we ended the day with a KFC picnic on the living room floor. 

Before going home we got to enjoy a fry at the local cafe. Yummie!!!

 Leah got a bowl of stew!

All in all I had a wonderful week in Ireland spending time with dad. We didn't get to do half the things we had planned but we also just needed the time to relax and be together. 

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Great to see the pictures Laura. I'm glad you were feeding your dad up with a good fry! Xox