Wednesday 8 February 2012


I´m stuffed! I have been out this evening with my friend Genny at one of our favourite restaurants - The Mexican. We always eat too much and tonight was no different. We got caught up with each others lives and it was just great to see her again.

Today a letter came in the post. It was to Andrew from the Danish military. In Denmark the young men can do a 4 month conscription in the Danish army. Andrew has been dreaming of this since he was a wee boy! About 6 months ago he got a letter telling him he would be called into an information day sometime in 2012 and then he could, if he wanted, do his military service in 2013. Now a letter has come telling him they need young men and are therefore recruiting now. This means he could begin his national service already in a few months time!!! WHAT???!!! Mum is not a happy woman! Andrew is running around with a smile on his face!

Over the last few months he has been so tired of his school. He has finished secondary school and is taking a two year course but is just not into it. He has been struggling to keep himself going and has been dreaming of something else coming along! Today that something else came!

So I think he is going to fill in the forms and send them off. Oh dear, I don´t want him to be sent off to some war torn place.  Well I can hope that he doesnt get accepted. He has to go to an information day, have an interview and do a fitness test. I suppose there is a chance that he will fail the fitness test! One can hope!!

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