Thursday 2 February 2012

Quick update.....

Another week has nearly gone!! Time really is flying by.  I must really be having fun - you know the old saying "time flies when you´re having fun!"

So what´s been happening this week....

1. Well at the start of the week we got an invite, in the post, to our friends silver wedding anniversary. Bit scary that our friends are starting to celebrate 25 years of marriage! I remember my mum and dad celebrating their silver wedding and I thought they were old! haha The best thing about this anniversary is that it starts at 10am with brunch and not the traditionally 6am wake up call that the Danes usually have. (Who really wants to get up at 5am so they can get to a house for 6am in the morning! I just don´t get that tradition!! Having said that it is always really cosy when you do finally get to the house and start to wake up a bit!)

2. Leah cut up a pig this week. They had a butcher visiting her school to show the kids how to cut up a pig. They were taught about the different cuts of meat and how they could cook them. They spent a day cooking and had so much meat that they decided to invite all their parents to come and eat what they had made. So Tuesday evening found us down at the school enjoying a wonderful meal that I didn´t have to make.

3. I got in a few visits with my old lady friend. She is improving slowly but surely.

4.  Got a hair cut today. Very short! (ah well it will grow!)

5.  Need to really get going with this fitness thing. I am really putting on the weight again. I have been soooo bad.

6. Talked to dad this evening. He is in hospital again, although probably only for the night. Another nose bleed which they are having problems stopping. He was to get blood today at home but woke with a nose bleed and ended up in the hospital to get platelets and then blood.

7. Tomorrow evening my hubby is taking me on a date!! I have to be ready for 5pm! Oh I can´t wait!!

Weather wise it has gotten really cold. Minus 8 today and they are saying that temperatures will go down to between -10 and -16 over the weekend. Brrrrrrrrhhhhh - sounds like a weekend for hot chocolate and a few good films!!

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