Sunday 28 December 2014

Something personal.....

.I want to share something personal. Something I haven´t shared with that many people, yet a miracle took place and I think I should share it so God can get the glory (and so that I can always remember the date of when it happened.)

It actually happened last December. The 11th December 2013 to be exact, that´s the day the miracle took place. But before that I had about 6 weeks of misery. 

It all started with my period. I had my period in November 2013 just like normal only this time it didn´t stop. It continued for 3 weeks, each day getting heavier and heavier and by week 3 the bleeding was really interfering with life! I had to make sure I was near a toilet to change every hour!! It was then I visited the doctor. She sent me right away for tests. They were looking for cancer.

I got tablets to stop the bleeding and while I took them the bleeding stopped.  This meant I got to go on my trip to London to meet my niece without any problems. 

Once back from London I went to the doctor to get the results of the tests. I was relieved to hear that they hadn´t found any cancer. What I had was Fibroids - something women my age get! (When the doctor said that, I just couldn´t get my head around that part about women MY AGE!! I was only 28!! haha) 

So to cut a long story short she told me that she would like to insert a coil that would pump horomones into me and would shrink the Fibroids. Ummmmmhhh I wasn´t too sure about that.(I remember reading somewhere that getting a coil inserted could be painful and I hate pain!)  I told her I wanted to go home and think about it, read up on it and if I wanted it I would get back to her. 

I was sooo relieved it wasn´t cancer that I didn´t think to ask about other alternatives if I didn´t want the coil, I had also just finished my course of tablets and I wasn´t bleeding so I was hoping, rather naively, that it had all just blown over. 

A few days later and the bleeding started again. It continued again, and each day it got heavier and heavier. By the third week I, once again, couldn´t be far from changing facilities. 

I was feeling discouraged. I knew I didn´t have a choice. I was going to have to go to the doctor and get the coil put in. I couldn´t go on living like this. I was also extremely tired.

At this time I had been reading the story about the woman in the Bible with the issue of blood. I knew how that poor woman felt and what she had suffered for 12 years. I read about her faith.

I also read a lot of verses and promises about healing and I was being challenged.

It was now 11th December. I was at work and I was still bleeding heavily. I was talking to my boss and we were discussing God. I was feeling challenged about what I had been reading and I was sharing with him my thoughts. My boss is a Christian. 

What I was being challenged about was my faith. So many times I would sing in church about how great God is and how nothing is impossible for him but how many times did I really believe that deep down in my heart or when a problem came my way. How many times did I just take God at his word?

How many times did I read the promises in the Bible but then never claim them? Many times I read them but somehow made some excuse that it wasn´t for me today. This was challenging me. 

I had been reading loads of promises about healing so why wasn´t I claiming them? 

So I decided to do something about it. It was time for a bathroom visit and I decided that in that bathroom I was going to claim the promises God had given to me through his word. Things I had been reading the days before. 

These were some of the verses that had spoken to me......

Psalm 103 v 3  who forgives all your sins (I had no problem believing that part of the verse) and heals ALL YOUR DISEASES. (that I never really believed or claimed.)

Psalm 91 v 9,10 If you say, The Lord is my refuge, and make the most high your dwelling NO HARM WILL OVERTAKE YOU, NO DISASTER WILL COME NEAR YOUR TENT

So I stood in that bathroom and I talked to God. I told him that there were only two options... either his word was true or it was not. I told him that I believed his word to be true so I was going to claim these promises. I said "God I believe you have forgiven my sins but you have also promised to heal all my diseases so I am claiming that promise now....heal my bleeding."

Matt 21.21 talks about speaking to the mountain. Jesus spoke to the fig I needed to speak to my mountain to move it.

So I commanded the bleeding to stop in Jesus name. I commanded the fibroids to shrink and I commanded my homones to come into balance in the name of Jesus and it was then the miracle took place. I could feel it immediately!! I could feel the bleeding stop.

I got changed and went back to my daily routine at work. Even after half an hour I could still feel the change. I knew I wasn´t bleeding anymore. Before heading home I  went to change but I didn´t need too, the bleeding had stopped. I was healed and I haven´t had a problem since. I have had my regular periods but nothing more than that.

A miracle took place that day, 11th December 2013. 

I was challenged to take God at his word. What he says he will do. 

 Not many knew that I had this problem, it was not something I went about sharing with people. So this healing hasn´t been shared with many either. But I feel that I should share what God has done, to encourage others to take God at his word, to claim his promises and to know that nothing is impossible for Him.

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