Tuesday 20 January 2015

Envelope number 7

So last night Kristian found silver envelope number 7 sitting on his computer. 

The whole idea with this one was to recreate the sort of date night we had when we first got married. Way back then, we didn´t have a lot of money but sometimes we saved a little from our food budget so that we could go out on a date. 

We couldn´t afford a fancy restuarant so we always went to Copenhagen to McDonalds, had a burger meal and then went to see a film. We loved those evenings when we had a treat out in town and even though we had no money we were sooo happy! 

We talked about that very thing last night,  how we have been happy no matter what situation we have been in. That has been a big blessing in our marriage.

So tonight we went on a date like we would have done years back. We drove to McDonalds. Driving was a bit of a luxury, because back then we had no car and had to take buses and trains but we decided that tonight we didn´t have to make this date so authentic.

We actually enjoyed our burgers at McDonalds and there wasn´t many people there, so found a table tucked away in the corner and had peace to sit and talk. 

Then it was off  to the movies to see a new Danish film that has just come out called "One more chance" It was really good. Very thought provoking. The Danes make some really good films (and from time to time some not so good ones) but the last few that we have seen have been REALLY GOOD.

The best thing about this date was just walking to the car and driving home. Years back we had to wait for ages, in the cold, on buses or trains or even ride our bikes home. Tonight we felt thankful and blessed to have our car. God has sure been good to us over the years. It really is good to count your blessings from time to time!

So another memory made for our Silver wedding year! 

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