Sunday 8 March 2015

Love the weekend.....

I love the weekend and ours started with a bit of decorating. Mia, our neighbour had a birthday on Friday so we decorated the front of the house with balloons, flags, banners and the usual enormous underwear (pants and bra) with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on it!

On Saturday I had planned a Silver Wedding Envelope.......

It didn´t go exactly as planned. You would think that after all these years, Kristian and I would know how to communicate!!! 
We don´t!! haha

Usually Kristian will tell me if he is doing something at the weekend. (If he is doing something, it usually has something to do with motorsport, and usually he tells me about it on a Wednesday when he comes home from helping at the Go-kart shop or else he asks if we have anything on at the weekend!)

He came home on Wednesday and said that the new go carts had arrived from Italy and that there had been some happy boys and fathers at the shop that eveing collecting their products. He said nothing more than that and so I didn´t worry about him having other plans on Saturday.

Well you can probably guess what happened. I arranged our Silver wedding anniversary envelope and gave it to him on Friday evening. 

When Kristian read the letter I could see by his face that something was wrong. He told me that he had planned a training day at the racing track with the new drivers that had just gotten their new carts. When he told me this I could have used him as a punch bag!

 WHY DIDN`T HE TELL ME HE WAS GOING OUT ON SATURDAY!!!! They had only arranged it on Wednesday evening so why hadn´t he mentioned it like he usually does?!!!! Especially when he knows I am making special envelope days!!!  Frustration!!!

(When Kristian´s mum heard about my envelope idea she said she wanted to give us one of the treats in the envelope, which would be dinner at her place. So this is what I decided we should do this weekend. We would eat dinner at his mums. We would also go out exploring, we would find a new place on the map, go check it out and I would make a picnic breakfast that we could enjoy in the open air.Then we would head over to his mums.) 

He felt sooo bad!!! I was disappointed because I had been looking forward to exploring a few lakes that I had found on the map, but I told him to go to the race track anyway. (I would get over it!) We could do the exploring of the lakes another day, but one thing he couldn´t get out of  and that was going to his mums. He had to be there by 1pm! She had been preparing this special meal for us all week! 

 So at 1pm on Saturday we turned up at his mums. Kristian came from the gokart track and I came from home. His mum had the most delicious meal prepared for us. A three course meal. She had been busy!

She had invited Kristian´s brother Anders and his wife Lis. We had such a great afternoon with them. The afternoon flew by with loads of great discussions and talks around the table. I loved it. 

We finally headed home at 6.30pm. 

We were only home a short time when we had to head out again. Kristian had been invited, along with the rest of the village, to the local farm for a Beer tasting evening. I had been invited too, but it´s not my thing...Cola tasting would be more me! haha It was mostly the men in our little village that were going.

Since our men were going out, I invited one of the neighbours to the cinema with me, so we went to see the film - Still Alice. It´s about a woman in her early 50s that that gets Alzheimers. It is such a terrible illness. Julianne Moore who acted Alice did a brilliant job. I must admit I shed a few tears. A really good film but also a hard film to watch too.  But we had a really lovely evening out. 

When I got home Kristian wasn´t far behind me! A rather great day even though it didn´t turn out totally as I planned.

 This afternoon I met my friend Jette and her kids for a picnic.

We found this lovely place with loads of hay bales that the kids could run around on. We ate lunch and played on the hay bales. Then it was home to sit and draw and make things. I stayed for dinner and even had the privilege of getting the kids ready for bed. I also got to read them a goodnight story! Oh how I miss having small kids!

 Another really great weekend. Bring on the new week! I´m all charged up and ready for it!

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