Saturday 13 June 2015

I´ve been there again.....

Yes, been back to my favourite shop - IKEA!! My colleague was needing a few more pieces of furniture for her new home,  so I offered to take her in. On Tuesday after work we came home here and changed cars. I took Kristian´s car as he has only got the front two seats, so plenty of room in the back for packages.
We got what we needed but some of the boxes were soooo heavy we could hardly lift them!!! Someone should have taken a video of us, it was hilarious how we struggled to get the boxes of the shelf and unto the trolley.  We had no idea how we were going to get them from the car up to her apartment. We would have a flight of stairs to climb. We knew we couldn´t do it, so I rang Kristian to hear if he and Andrew would meet us at her apartment and help us by lifting the heavy stuff.  They said they would. 
The funny thing was to see Andrew and Kristian´s faces when they lifted the HEAVY boxes, they were shocked at how light they were!!!! They had no trouble lifting and carrying them. It´s so unfair that the boys made it look like such an easy job, while my friend and I had panted, puffed and struggled to get those boxes home to her front door.

Thursday in work was a bit of a different day. The guy that makes food for the children at school was sick. We knew that the children who normally bought food would have no other way of getting something to eat, they would be hungry, so we decided we would cook a huge batch of Pasta Bolognese for them. My boss quickly went to the supermarket and bought what we needed and then we set about making it. It was actually fun, even though I usually hate cooking.

The kids LOVED our food! (I must say, it did taste good.)It went down a treat and we sold out. Everyone went away happy and satisfied. I´m not sure I would like to make food everyday but it was fun to break the normal routine and try something different.

 In the middle of all the cooking Kristian called me. He was all happy. He had gotten a special surprise delivery at work. It was his Silver Envelope number 16!!!

I had ordered 2 bottles of wine to be delivered to his work. The wine had been made from grapes from a 25 year old vine - the same age as our marriage!! Kristian loved the idea and his colleagues loved it even more. They have been following our silver envelopes with great interest and when something turned up at work they all got very excited. :-)

 Kristian has been away this weekend at a go-kart race. I meanwhile have been enjoying myself at home.

Yesterday when I got home from work there was a package for me in the post. It was a CD from one of my old school friends. He just made a CD and I was looking forward to hearing it. So as I was clearing  up around the house I stuck on the CD. It just blessed me soooo much. There were songs like Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, and one of my favourites - My Anchor Holds. I was singing my heart out!! It just took me back to my roots, to my home, to the songs I grew up on. I could imagine dad singing along to them too. I just felt sooo blessed to have had the homelife that I did.

I can totally recommend his CD and if you want to purchase it, then check out his website.

The proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to the charity Invisible Traffic. Also this Sunday, 14th June there is a free concert in Bangor Elim, more information about that is on the web. 

Friday evening Leah and Lasse were here for dinner and then they headed out to see the new Jurassic park film. Andrew had invited Camilla out to dinner at a wee Italian restaurant, then  they too headed in to see the film, only in Copenhagen. Suddenly I had an evening all to myself. I must say I enjoyed the peace and quiet.

This morning I got my house cleaned (Leah and Andrew were at work so once again there was peace and quiet) When I was finished I popped over to the neighbour to see if she needed help with anything. Our friend Pernille was there so I ended up staying for a chat. Then we went and worked in the garden. Laura wants a vegetable patch and so Pernille, Laura and I started to dig up and organise things for that. It turned into a rather productive day. (Oh and in between all that I got to see some of the Swedish Royal wedding - it was lovely!)

Late afternoon Andrew and Leah arrived home from work and Camilla arrived for dinner. After dinner we decided to drive to the next town for an ice cream. Yummy, it was sooooo good, the rest of this evening has just been spent relaxing.

Tomorrow my hubby comes home!! Yipieeeeee!!

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