Thursday 9 July 2015

My kind of day....

The weather today changed. The temperature fell, the wind was howling, the rain was pouring down and I was as happy as Larry!! It was just my kind of weather. 

I decided I needed to get out into it. 

It was the perfect weather for shopping, good food and maybe a movie.

I drove to a nearby town and had a wonderful morning checking out the shops.  (Not many people were out on the walking street, most were in the big shopping centre.)

I treated myself to lunch in my favourite cafe which just happened to be packed with tourists; Americans. Luckily there was a table tucked away in the corner that was available for me. I ordered my lunch and settled down with my book. This was the life!!

I finished my lunch and my first book of my holiday reading. (It was the book Daughter by Jane Shemilt, It was ok, no better than ok, it was good. It had me hooked but I have read better.)  I started another book about the benefits of baking soda. My, I am getting soooo clever! haha 

I then did a bit more window shopping. Just looking around the shops and dreaming was fine with me today.  I didn´t buy anything, except some food for dinner. 

I decided to skip a movie and just head home. I was looking forward to curling up on the sofa to read again and that´s exactly what I did.

Kristian came home from work and Andrew was here too. Leah had gone to Lasse´s to eat. We had a delicious dinner and then spent the evening relaxing.

I finished my book on the benefits of Baking Soda and started another one on the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Wow it´s amazing.....they are good for just about everything that we can have wrong with us!!

Now if you don´t know about these things you need to read up on them. The benefits for the body are amazing. Some doctors are even using baking soda to treat cancers!! 

I started an experiment about 3 - 4weeks ago. I decided that I would eat healthy and start to take natural, heathly supplements to see if I could feel a difference in my well being. No more rubbish food, I would eat more vegetables, more fruits, and fish. 

 I would get Omega 3 supplement by taking a spoonful of  Cod Liver Oil every morning. (it has lemon added so it tastes ok) Kristian has been doing it for a year now and feels great.  I decided also to drink a mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar, Water and Baking Soda because it has sooo many benefits for the body. I love vinegar so it´s not hard for me to get down.   

Coconut is another natural product that I have started using as a moisturiser for my skin. So I basically get up in the morning, put coconut on my face, get my lunch ready for work, eat a banana, take my cod liver oil, make my vinegar drink and drink that, take my vitamin pill and garlic pill and go into the shower. The coconut has had time to sink into my skin. I don´t wash my face with soap so I just rinse the hot water over it and come out and pat it dry. My skin feels sooo good after that. 

The thing is I have been feeling really good. I have actually kept to my healthy eating and have not craved the unhealthy stuff. ( I did have a couple days were I went a bit mad because we were at parties but when it was everyday life I was able to eat healthy and not miss all the rubbish!) I have now lost 5kg!!! 

I think it has helped me doing this heatlhy eating, not to lose weight, but to feel better. My mindset has been - I don´t care about the weight, I care about feeling healthy and good. I think that has helped me not focusing on losing the weight. But when I eat these right foods I automatically lose the weight. 

Here is an interesting thing,(well I think it´s interesting :-).....Last week at work I was talking to my co-worker and we both were saying how ugly our legs were because of our varicose veins. (It was hot and we were wearing 3/4 length trousers while all the young ones were in shorts!!) 

My co-worker was showing me her veins. I have a huge vein on the back of my left leg just where the knee bends. I always called it my "snake." It stuck out sooo much and was about 10 cm long. It wiggled in and out just like a snake! Well, I went to show her my "snake" but I was sooo surprised at how small it felt. It didn´t seem to stick out very much and I said this to her. "That´s weird" I said, " it doesnt seem that big anymore!" 

I totally forgot about that moment until tonight.  I was reading the book about Apple Cider Vinegar and what different things it was good for. The book said that drinking some Apple Cider Vinegar everyday could help to reduce varicose veins. Wow!! that´s when I remembered about what happened with my colleague. 

So I showed my "snake" to Kristian tonight and asked him what he thought. Was it sticking out like it normally did or did it seem like it had shrunk? He too thought it had shrunk, that it was not as bad as it once had been. 

Rather interesting I think!! Maybe it´s because I´ve lost weight, or maybe it is because of the Apple Cider Vinegar.  Who knows?!

All I know is that I feel great!!! Long may it last!! 

Ok, rather a long post....better get to bed. That´s my next goal - to get 8 hours sleep every night! Been reading about how important that is too. Our body is such an interesting thing - a real masterpiece that God has created. We truly are fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139)

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