Thursday 30 July 2015

We did it.....

Yesterday morning we set out on a mission - to find Andrew´s birthday present. Well, we accomplished what we set out to do. We found his present in the first shop we went into, and it was at a great price!!! Needless to say we were very, very happy.

After getting his present we went to a few furniture shops just to see if there were any good bargins. We want to get a new dining room table. We have been saving up for one for a while. We have been looking around for about 3 months but have never found something that we liked in our price range - that was until yesterday! 

The dining room table we have at the minute is just a bit too narrow. There is not much room on the table to serve food. In Denmark the food is put on the table and people serve themselves so when we have guests and I have a few dishes to serve, it is always a squeeze to get everything on the table. 

Well the table we saw yesterday was a whole 22 cm wider than the one we have. It was also recycled wood which is what we wanted - something a bit rustic looking. We didn´t buy it though, we wanted time to think about it, to make sure it was the one we wanted.  It was actually going at a great price, there was 55% discount!! So I think we need to make our minds up very soon! 

We would like to get the table with the black chairs so it breaks up from all the brown/wooden look.

 I liked the chairs above, I thought they were very American country house style but Kristian liked the ones below. We asked the kids what they thought and they also liked the ones above, the same ones as me!!
 After our day out shopping we came home and relaxed. Leah and Andrew were out so Kristian and I ate dinner in the living room while watching TV. 

Today I woke with the urge to clean and organise - so that´s what I did. In the afternoon we had some unexpected visitors. Our friend Henrik came by with his son Michael. They were out for a ride on their motorbikes.

Just before they went home again, Henrik asked if I wanted to go a ride on the bike with Michael his son. I said I would give it a go - OH MY GOODNESS!!! It was wild!! I was scared silly at times,  yet it was  exhilarating too!! It was fun to try but a motorbike will not be on my Christmas wish list!! 

Andrew had a go too and now he is hooked. He wants a motorbike!! OH NO!!!! lets hope he never can afford one!

Below is a video clip of todays action - Me on a Motorbike....

Michael was such a good driver. I felt safe with him and he did keep the speed limit. As soon as we went over 40km  though,I was freaking out!!  haha The poor guy, what he had to put up with!

This evening Sara and Christian arrived. They will be staying the weekend here. It is Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix and my Kristian is a photographer in at the race. Sara and Christian are just going to see it. That means we have tomorrow with them, we hope to get a trip into Copenhagen, but lets see what tomorrow brings!

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