Sunday 2 August 2015

Back to porridge....

It´s tomorrow morning that Kristian and I start back to work again after 4 weeks vacation for me, and 3 weeks for him. We have had a great holiday! It´s been a good mixture of different  sorts of activities! We got to relax ALOT, (I read 5 books) we got to experience some good day trips and road trips together, we got to see friends and family and we got to do a little work around the house and garden.

It was great to spend the last weekend of our holiday with Sara and Christian.

Friday we decided to go to Copenhagen. Sara just loves Copenhagen so whenever she is home she just has to go shopping in there. Kristian and I are not sooo wild about it but we tagged along.
 However there is one wee shop I like in there, it´s called Notre Dame and it has all sorts of stuff for your home, really gorgeous things.
I was telling Sara about this wee shop but she didn´t seem overly keen to visit it. Everytime I said "Should we go over to Notre Dame now" (I was going crazy just going in and out of so many clothes shops!)  she´d say "oh mum I don´t think I will like their stuff." She had no idea what sort of stuff they had!!! Anyway I got her talked into it and it was sooo funny to see her face when she finally got inside! Her eyes lit up and she was in love!!! haha I knew she would love the place. She ended up filling a basket with stuff for her home!

After a couple of hours in Copenhagen Kristian and I had had enough. We headed home again and left Sara and Christian to shop for themselves. We were sooo glad to get out of the city and head back to the country.

Shortly after 5pm Sara and Christian arrived home with a couple of bags filled with bargins. They were very happy.

 When the kids were small there was a Chinese take away that we went to from time to time. It was in the next town from where we lived back then. We loved their chicken curry, they made the best chicken curry ever. 
So we decided that for dinner we would drive to the take away and get some chicken curry. It must be a least 5 years since we last ate there! Sara also wanted her Christian to taste the wonderful curry!
Our friends Jette and Filip live in the town where this chinese take away is, so I sent Jette a text asking if they were home, Sara wanted to go by and see them and also see their wee kittens. Jette was home so before going for the chinese we called in to see the kittens. They were just soooo cute!
Guess what happened? We agreed to take one of the kittens!!! Are we mad or what????!!!!  It´s the kitten in the picture above that we are getting. A girl!!!  We can collect her on the 5th September!!! I think this will have to be Silver envelope 18,19 and 20 for Kristian! (I am sooo far behind with my envelopes!!) Kristian loves animals and has wanted one of these wee kittens since we saw them the first time, when we were home at Jette and Filips a few weeks ago.

In the picture above it is the kitten in the middle. Isn´t she cute!!!

Now we are reading up how to introduce a kitten to an older cat you already have. We really hope Shadow and the new kitten will get on! We will give it a try and if it goes terribly wrong we will just have to find a new home for the kitten, but we are hoping it wont come to that and the two cats will get along! We are totally mad!!

We are all sooo excited and can´t wait to the 5th!!! Now we need to find a good girl name for our new family memeber :-)

Saturday morning and everyone was up early. Andrew and Leah had to go to work, Sara, Christian and my Kristian were all going to Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix. Sara and Christian had gotten VIP tickets free. My Kristian had gotten a photographers pass, so he got in free too, to take pics of the race. I had a whole day alone and I was sooo looking forward to it.

My plan was to clean the house and get it all ready for the start of a new week. As I was clearing up and organising I suddenly got an urge to change a few things around in the living room. I am forever doing things like this. Before long everything was mess, as I re-arranged and tried different layouts.

In the end I stuck with this.....
 I moved the bookcase and then made a small cosy corner for my quiet times in the mornings. I also changed the rugs around. I was pleased with the result!

I just about finished everything when the family all arrived home. They loved the new look!

In the middle of all the re-arranging I had managed to cook a roast and make some potatoes and vegetables. We had a delicious meal all together. It was great having the family together again on a Saturday evening!

 I think I will keep it like this for a while yet but you never know what I get up to next!!

Christian had to go home early this morning as he was working today. Sara and her dad were up early again as they once again were going into the race. This was the last day.  Sara would then go home from the race with some friends.
The weekend has gone quickly but it was really was lovely to have Sara and Christian for a visit.


Etta said...

WHERE do you get your energy from Laura! Your posts are always so full of enthusiasm. Hope the return to work goes well.

Laura said...

Thanks Etta, the return to Work went well :-) Counting the days to autumn break!! haha Don´t know about all this energy you seem to think I have!!:-) I often wish I had more! Hope ur doing good xox