Thursday 20 August 2015

What a Wednesday!!!!

The day started good but ended not so good.....

We all had a good day at work and school.

When I got home from work Andrew wanted to borrow my car to go to town to get a few things he needed. I stayed at home to start dinner.

A while later I heard a terrible sound......a crash.....some shouts. I went outside to see what had happened and there was Andrew standing outside our car, looking very pale, with a few cyclist around him. My heart nearly stopped because I knew something bad had happened.

What happened was this......

Andrew was turning from the road into our lane, the sun was low and was blinding him, he didn´t think there was anything coming and so he turned into our lane, it was then he got the shock of his life for a man landed on the window screen. He had knocked down a cyclist.

Thankfully the man was ok. He was just a bit shocked and had a sore little finger. The front wheel of his bike was damaged. He was riding with 4 others and one of his mates drove into him, so his bike was a bit damaged too but he wasn´t hurt either. I really believe God was watching over us all and his angels were protecting those men and Andrew.

Andrew was also in shock and was soooo upset about everything. All evening he was feeling so guilty for not seeing them. My heart ached for him as I saw him struggle with all the different emotions.  Later in the evening Andrew texted the man to see how he was doing. He got a reply saying he was fine and this helped to settle him.

Kristian wasn´t home when all this  happened, so we rang him to tell him and he came home. He took my car down to the workshop so they could start work on it as soon as possible. He also got everything sorted with the insurance companies. Thank goodness he knows what he is doing!!

So by 9pm last night Andrew and I were exhausted emotionally, mentally and physically so we ended up in bed early!

The day ended in a bad way, yet we know it could have been sooo much worse. We are so thankful that it was only material things that were damaged and no one was seriously hurt.  Phew!!!!! I don´t want any more days like this!

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