Tuesday 3 November 2015

It´s not working....

....my most treasured possession (have I spelt that right?) is broken!! 

Yes, it´s my Kindle - it´s died!! I can´t get it to turn on. I have tried everything (at least I think I have) but it has still just got a black screen. I feel like I have lost a very dear friend. (Seriously - I LOVE my books!!! This is the best thing I have ever bought!)

In bed last night I was lying reading and everything was fine. Then this afternoon on my break at work, I was all alone, and thought I would use the time to read. I was so ready to put my feet up and enjoy my book for 15 minutes. (I had even bought a Mars Bar to enjoy with my cuppa tea and book. I was even happy that there was no-one to share break time with. I had my Kindle and that was all I needed!! I had looked forward to this breaktime since lunch!) 

It was then I discovered the sad fact. No matter what I tried I couldn´t get my Kindle to turn on. Talk about being disappointed!! I was one unhappy Mama!! So I drank my tea and ate my Mars and went quickly back to work again. 

I think Santa will need to bring me a new one for Christmas!! (hint hint Kristian!! haha)

We just love living in this old run down place!

So this week we got some news. I don´t know if it´s good news or bad news. The man who owns this house (which has 4 apartments in it) wants to sell. YIKES!!!!  On Thursday a real estate agent will come out to see the place!! The place will be sold along with us. So whoever buys it cannot put us out, not immediately. 

So this could be a good thing, as this place is soooo old and so many things need fixed (but the man who owns it now is not interested in fixing anything up.) We have done small things about the place so that we can enjoy living here, but there are some major things that need to be done to the place. So if someone new bought it and invested in it, it could be to our benefit. On the downside, if they do alot of work to it they could put the house rent up to more than we can afford. 

Also we don´t have any "rules" living here. Like in our old apartment you could only use the washing machine till 10pm. You weren´t allow to drill after 8pm etc. Here its like having your own home, you can do what you like. (off course we all respect each other and think about what time it is before we drill but there are no offical rules.) I hope the new owners don´t introduce a whole lot of rules. 

Then we are thinking that if this place is going for a good price that maybe we could buy it and fix it up. (We being Kristian and me or if its a bit more than we can afford then our neighbour Laura could get into the deal too.) Laura and I are dreaming away and poor Kristian just sits and shakes his head and says "Lets see what the agent says on Thursday!" 

There can be so many scenarios. I am thankful that I can just leave it all in God´s hands. He´ll show us what to do when the time comes. So we are really not worried.

Talking about worry. I had this wonderful phone call yesterday from my niece. I had shared a post on facebook about worry and stress and how we need to trust God instead of leaning on our own understanding. 

She had been really worried about a few things in her life and after reading the post she decided she was just going to trust God and not worry about it anymore as she could feel it was stressing her out. She not only was filled with peace but got an answer to two of her big worries within a few days! She rang to tell me this and to thank me for posting it. It really did my heart good that she had trusted God and to hear how God came through for her. 

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