Sunday 24 January 2016

Full house.....

Sara and Christian have been here visiting us for the weekend. It´s been lovely seeing them again.

 They arrived Thursday evening and stayed until today. On Friday we all had to work except those two, so they headed into Copenhagen to do a bit of shopping. That evening Sara was going to a friend´s birthday party. They were going out to eat dinner so while she was there, we headed out with Christian to one of our local cafes for dinner. We had a really lovely time.

It was then home to our comfy sofa. We all just lay around and watched TV. X-factor was on and so we got hooked on that. A really relaxing Friday evening.

Saturday we decided to head out to visit one of the shopping centres just recently opened. After a lovely breakfast together away we went. We didn´t stay out long, as none of us were really in the mood to shop, we were all tired, so after an hour or so of shopping, we decided to just head home again. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and chatting.

Lasse came over to join us for dinner. The kids wanted my homemade chinese so that´s what they got. We had another lovely evening sitting around chatting. All very calm and easy going. We had planned to play a few games, but once again we were all just too tired so we just lay sprawled around the sofa talking.

This morning they got packed up and headed home again to Århus . It was lovely to have them here for the weekend. Hopefully we will see them again soon.

The rest of last week went rather well. I went training Monday, Wednesday and Friday after work!! How good am I?? I actually really enjoy it. (Surprise, surprise!)  On Monday and Wednesday I was feeling all energized after training, however Friday was another story!! I don´t think I got enough sleep Thrusday to Friday (stayed up too late talking to Sara and Christian) so I was really wrecked after my training on Friday. Must admit that my eating habits have not been sooo good this week!! Need to do better with this next week!

On Tuesday evening I was invited on a date with my hubby. We went to the cinema to see the new Danish film. We both got in from work around 5pm and decided the best thing to eat that evening would be McDonalds!! (Krisitian sure knows how to give a girl a good time!! haha)

So we drove to McDonalds, sat in a booth and really did enjoy our burger meal. It has been ages since we had McDonalds!!! It was then on to the cinema. We enjoyed the film which actually costs us nothing!! We have this deal with our telephone company that two get in for the price of one, so we used that. I also have a cinema card that collects points everytime you see a movie. I asked the guy how many points I had, and I had enough to pay for the ticket!! Now that is my sort of night out!!! hahaha

Now we are enjoying the last few hours of the weekend while looking forward to another week of life!! :-)

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