Sunday 17 January 2016

Where did they go....

......the first two weeks of January. Is it just me or is time flying by?! I think the photo below explains exactly how I feel...

Roll on the day I can go on the pension!!! haha

So what have we been up to these first couple of weeks in January?

Well we have had a few guests visiting....

Sunday 3rd January our friends Jette and Filip came by after church for some coffee and cake. We had such a cosy afternoon with them and their 2 kids.

Jette tried to learn to play my flute. We had all the instruments in the house out for the kids to try and the adults also got in on the fun.

Zoey loved playing around with the kids. I enjoyed getting all our toys out again for the kids to play with. It was a fun afternoon with them all and it was also great to catch up with each other again.

Thursday 7th January was a busy day. After work I went to visit one of my colleagues. She had invited some of us colleagues over to her place for hot chocolate and cake. We had a lovely afternoon hanging out together, I was even rather good! I ate only a small slice of cake and a small spoonful of cream!!

It was then home to get ready for my guests. I had invited some girls friends over for the evening. The goal for the evening was to plan our trip to London. We are 4 girls that are heading to London at the end of April for Hillsongs Woman´s Conference in Wembley. So we got our flights booked. We then found a place to stay, or so we thought. We booked the accommonation through airbnb but unfortunately the woman didn´t respond within 24 hours so the booking automatically gets cancelled. So I think we need to have another evening soon, so we can find a new place to stay.

Sunday 10th January and we had my friend Anne and her husband Peter over for lunch. They had their youngest boy with them and we, once again, enjoyed a Sunday afternoon with friends. We had a great time with them. They are always fun to hang out with and we never have enough time to talk about all the things we want to talk about!!

Monday I went to LOOP (the fitness centre). I had a free training hour and it went really well. I really think this could be me. So I signed up. HELLLLPPP!!! Now I need to use it 2 to 3 times a week!!! I will give it a try for a month or two and see if it really is for me!

On Wednesday (13th) my colleague was holding a course on how to make baskets. It was being held at work and so I just had to try it out! It was fantastic fun - I now have the bug for it. The course was two hours long and we got to make a small basket to take home with us.

My finished basket.....

This really is something I want to try again!

Thursday after work I went to training again! How good am I??!!! (shine my halo!)  It was great! So next week I will try and get 3 times.  This morning the scales showed that I had lost 1,3kg!!! Now I just need to keep it off and get another 9kgs off too.

Yesterday (Saturday) we had guests in the afternoon. Kristian´s sister Hannah texted us to see if we were home as her daughter Christine had two friends visiting from the USA. They were sightseeing around our area they thought they could come by for coffee if we were home. That was perfectly fine with us, we had no plans.

I made some apple crumble and we waited for them to arrive. Hannah, Christine and the two guests came late afternoon and we had such a great time with them. Janet and Kim were here in Denmark doing some interviews for a TV program. They both are Christians and have amazing testimonies.
Janet has a ministry in the USA that helps people leave the homosexual lifestyle. She herself lived as a lesbian for 14 years before committing her life to Jesus. She has been free from it all for 17 years. It was wonderful to chat with these woman. We had such a great time of fellowship together. (Check out her ministry website - )

Today (Sunday) we were tired so we decided to have a relaxing day at home. The weather was fantastic. It was minus 10 degrees this morning with beautiful blue skies. We decided we would head out for a walk and take our cameras with us. We enjoyed a lovely walk through the woods just taking in all of God´s wonderful nature.

Shadow was waiting on us when we got home. She was just as happy to get back into the heat as we were!

In the afternoon we held church here at home. We listened to some Bible teaching online. The theme was about dwelling in the presence of God (Psalm 91) and not just going in and out of His presence but actually abiding, living there. We were challenged and blessed by it.

This evening we went over to visit our neighbour Laura for a while and then it was home to enjoy the last few hours of peace before a busy week begins again.

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