Thursday 24 June 2010

Already Friday.....

....I really don´t know where the week has gone!! (But I feel like I say that alot these days!)

On Tuesday Andrew finished his 10th grade at school. He actually finished school last year, but took an extra year as he didn´t know what he wanted to do. He still is not sure, but after summer he will take a 6 month basic course about becoming an educator/teacher assistant. If this is something he would still like to do at the end of the 6 months, he will apply for the 3 ½ year course. If , however he decides it´s not what he wants to do, well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it.

Right now he is enjoying having holiday.... if you can call it that. He has been at work with me all week, helping with the big "spring cleaning" that we do at this time of year. He has been a great help! (and he is earning himself a wee bit of pocket money which will come in handy when on holiday!)

Wednesday I was working at home finishing off some church work. Then my friend Rhona rang and invited me to lunch. I dont often work from home, so I don´t get the opportunity to go to lunch with a good friend,- I jumped at the chance!

We had a delicious lunch and a good old chat. It was really wonderful to see her again and catch up. Thanks Rhona for that!!! (I had my camera with me and forgot to take some pictures - how stupid can you get!)

Today Leah got the day off school to go into Copenhagen to make a music video for the TV production with the puppets. She had a great day. They were out in the forest filming, and also at an amusement park! When their days work was done they got free rides on the amusements!!

I am sooo looking forward to seeing the finished TV show!

Sara went off today to visit her friend Winnie. She will spend the weekend with her. They plan to head off to a go-kart race. Typical them!!

Kristian got to do something today that he doesn´t get to do very often!!

Yeah - he got to pick strawberries!!

I on the other hand got to do something that I do quite alot...I got to visit Ikea again with my good friend Audry. We had a great night of shopping (Audry shopped) and chatting (I chatted!).

So that was my week!! Tomorrow is Friday and Kristian heads off on a course with work. Saturday morning he has his exam!!! (poor him, he is dreading it!)


Rhoda said...

Hope you didn't choke on all those strawberries!!!!!

Stuart and Pauline said...

I hope we get to see the work Leah is doing too!!! Love your wee strawberries. We have beetroot, carrots and green beans growing this year. We'll see what come out with our rubbish soil, given all those huge, nasty trees at the back of the house are sucking all the goodness out of our soil (not to mention the moisture!!!!).

lisa said...

Ah lovely strawberries - and once again, your husbands accent is more Belfast than yours, I laugh every time!!

Its funny but I was just looking at your blog the other day and thinking that you hadn't mentioned Winnie in a long time, and the next minute there she is!!

Laura said...

haha I know isn´t is Belfast accent just great!!! haha

Yeah, we haven´t seen Winnie in a loooong time. She was last here at New Year. Sara met up with one time in Copenhagen and they had a shopping trip together. Sara has been over to her once (I think) from New Year. She has started an education as a Sales assistant and is working alot, she also has got a boyfriend now, so there is not as much time to make the 3 hour journey over to us. But from what I hear, she is doing great.

Pauline - as soon as I get a copy of the TV show it will be posted!! I can´t wait to see it. The idea is that it will be put on youtube so Sunday school teachers can also use it in Sunday school. She just loves doing it.

Rhoda - I did nearly choke on them!! There were sooooooo many!!! No body else wanted them, so ate them all and even had some cream with them - they were delicious - really tasty!!!