Summer holidays are just around the corner and so a lot of activities in our church are ending for the summer. One of these being our junior club. We had a sleep over, from yesterday to today. The sleep over took place at "Ole´s summer house."
Ole was a man who came to our church. He owned a summer house with its own private piece of beach. While he was alive the church enjoyed the use of his house and when Ole died he left the house to our church to be used for times of fun and fellowship. Well fun and fellowship is what we had this weekend.
A bunch of kids turned up at the summer house yesterday, just after lunch, in time for cake and juice along with an afternoon and evening full of games. The weather was great and by late evening the kids even dared to go swimming (crazy bunch - half of them still had all their clothes on when they went in!)
It was up early this morning to pack and clean, then off to church with them all. It was the last day of Sunday school until the start of August, so a party had been planned.
The kids were put into teams and different posts were set up in different places for them to try out. The team with the most points at the end, won.
Leah, along with 3 others, leaves Sunday school this year. They are too old. They will become helpers in Sunday school. (and the Sundays that they are not on the program to help, they go into the teenager Bible study group.)
Well today, all those who were leaving got a makeover from the other kids. They had sooo much fun doing this. (and those leaving enjoyed the attention!)
Then there was food for all the kids.....and a surprise.....
The surprise was that we had rented a softice machine! Free ice cream for all!! This was a BIG hit!!! (even with the teenagers!)
Finally, when the kids all went home, it was time for us Sunday school teachers to end this part of the year of working together, with a chinese buffet. It was really nice to have time to chat and hear about the different holiday plans for the summer.
A busy weekend - YES!!! but a rather good one, I would say!!! It´s good to have a break from things for a while. There has been a lot to see to over the last few months, but for the next 6 weeks I have nothing to do for the kids work at church! I´m on holiday!!!
Oh yes Laura - holidays are good!!
I can't believe that you two leaders got to settle shortly after midnight. I don't think any of our leaders got any shut eye before 3am - at least!!!!!!
Enjoy your break to gather all your energy and new ideas.
I know Charlene, we had it easy, but then again, I sleep like a rock...can a rock sleep? What is that saying??? You sleep like a what? anyway I sleep heavy so I probably wouldn´t have heard them even if they were up messing around!!!
A log Laura, a log!!! You really need a trip home to brush up on your english!
hahaha that´s what it was A LOG!!! hahahah couldn´t for the life of me remember what it was! I knew rock wasn´t right!!! hahahaha
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