It was that time again! Time to meet up with my good friend Rhona. We met at our local coffee shop and had the most delicious strawberry cake with a wee cup of tea. Then it was none stop talking for 3 hours! We didn´t know where the time went. One minute it was 3.15pm, the next minute it was it 6.15pm!! It was a great afternoon. (Thanks Rhona!)
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
There was drama yesterday at work!
My boss went into the woodwork room to cut up some wood. Suddenly he appeared all bent over and walking all funny. He is always carrying on so I didn´t think anything of it. In fact I even gave a chuckle and thought "What is that man up to now!".
I then noticed he was clutching his hand and there was some blood. Again I thought he was carrying on. I had taken a bottle of tomatoe ketchup into work, so I thought he had taken some of that and smeared it on his hand. It was only when I saw his face that I realised it was not a joke. He was in pain. He had cut himself on a bench saw, you know the one that whizzes around really quickly. PANIC!!! I was sure he was going to pass out. We got him out into the car and off to hospital.
I then had to go into the woodwork room and clean it up. I was dreading what I would find. I didn´t get to see how much damage he had done to his hand (didn´t really dare look!) so I wasn´t sure if all his fingers were still attached or if I would find a finger or thumb lying by the machine. Luckily there were none.
My boss was back a few hours later, all stitched up and bandaged. Lucky for him he had cut his thumb and finger long ways down, instead of across. Even though he had a bad cut it could have been much worse. Phew what a day!! It was all rather draining!
After work I was out with my old lady. She was feeling up to going out so we had a wonderful afternoon in town. I was finally home at 6.20pm and then it was all go. We were going to hold a small birthday celebration for Sara.
20 years ago Sara looked like this........
....but today she turned 20! We decided to celebrate her last night as she was going away to England today. We ate at home, then we gave her a few presents and spent the rest of the evening watching a film and eating cake. (Once again a bought cake from the Bakery! but it sure was delicious - beats my homemade ones!) It was a quiet but cosy evening!
Now she is on her way to England to visit friends and to spend the next few days at a go-kart track!!! How boring is that?!!! haha
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Culture Night
Last night was Culture Night in one of the local towns close to us. We decided to go and check out the night life, but before I tell you about that you need a wee bit of background information....
A few years ago Kristian and I went by a small art gallery close to where we live. We got talking to the people who owned the place and found out that they not only were artists but musicians too. When they heard that Kristian played the saxophone they invited him along to practise with them. Kristian went for few months but realised that he just didn´t have the time to go practising every week.
Well at the start of this week Kristian got an email from them inviting him to come and play at a cafe with them. They were involved in the Culture Night. Krisitan thought it would be fun to play with them again, but unfortunately could not make the practises as he was already booked. (He has had a bit of a hectic week.) So he wrote back telling them that he would love to play but couldn´t make the practise. The only other solution was that he could come and practise at the sound check, that would be half an hour before they played. If they could live with that he would turn up. So that is what happened.
They were playing from 7.30pm - 8pm and we turned up at 7pm. They write their own music so Kristian didn´t know any of the songs. They played the songs they wanted Kristian to play a solo in and within 10 minutes Kristian had the solo parts done. Is that annoying or what?!!! haha Us "normal" people have to practise and practise and just about get the thing to sound ok but Kristian walks in, listens to the song, picks up his sax and plays a solo!!! Then he sits down with me, in the audience, and listens to half the concert before he has to get up and play. The amazing thing is that he still remembers the tune and what he is going to play, no music, no notes, NOTHING and all the while he is calm, cool and collected. I would be a nervous wreck!! hahaha
Anyway here is a little taste of it before my batteries ran out!
So after we had been to the concert we were straving. We hadn´t had any dinner. I had been food shopping after work and had just gotten home and put the food away when Kristian arrived home and said we had to be at the cafe for 7pm. There was no time for food!!( There were frozen pizzas for the kids!) We decided to go for a chinese, cheap and filling!!
On the way to the chinese place we pasted a few galleries. (The whole town was abuzzing with music and art.) One of the galleries caught my eye, I LOVED the paintings hanging in the window, so we went in. We got talking to the artist and found out she was holding an painting course next weekend. I would LOVE to go on it but unfortunately I can´t. We are busy next weekend. Ah well she said there would be other courses so hopefully I will get on one soon. Here are examples of her work...
If you want to see even more then go to:- www.bennigsen.dk
After being at the gallery our tummies were rumbling!! We got to the Chinese restaurant and had a delicious meal and a good old natter. When we arrived at the restaurant we decided that after the meal we would head out to our church. They were having a cafe and it was open from 9pm to mid-night. We thought we would have coffee or a smoothie out there. However after we had eaten we suddenly got really tired. It was only 10pm!! We thought a dander through the town would wake us up. We wandered through the town stopping now and then to listen to music but we were just getting more tired. Are we getting old or what!!??? So at 10.30pm we decided to head home, we just couldn´t take anymore!
We had a great evening. I just wish we would have had the energy to squeeze a few more events into the evening!
Monday, 19 September 2011
Monday night....
For a few weeks now I have been trying to organise a weekly programme for myself, you know the type of thing - Monday night I would do a certain activity, Tuesday I would do something different etc.
Well for a while I have been thinking that Monday night would be a good night for painting. I would follow some lessons on YouTube and every Monday evening produce another painting.
For a few weeks now I have been trying to do this, but it never seemed to happen that is until tonight. Finally I got it together and was able to paint. Below is the result.
I wasn´t that happy with the painting. I was actually about to destroy it and pack everything away when Kristian came home. (He had been visiting some go-kart friends) He thought it was good and told me not to stop to just keep working at it, so I did.
It´s not how I wanted it, but it will have to do. It has been fun sitting painting on a week night, I usually only paint on a Saturday or when I have holidays. Now lets see if I can keep it up!!
Now to plan tomorrow......
Sunday, 18 September 2011
September month is always full of birthdays.. In the whole Rasmussen clan there are seven birthdays, three of which are in our wee family - Kristian, Leah and Sara! .
Fourteen years ago on the 16th September at 5.27am Leah came into the world. She was a huge baby weighing 4700grms and was 56 cm long. She was an easy baby who ate and slept well and up until now she has been an easy teenager too. So far we can´t complain.
So Friday afternoon was spent celebrating Leah. She decided she wanted her presents after school. (We have always had the tradition that the kids got their presents in the morning when they woke. When they were small they loved this. A big fuss was made of the birthday girl or boy as they opened their presents, then a delicious breakfast was served, usually a cooked breakfast! But now that the kids are older they would rather sleep longer in the mornings, so we have started giving the presents in the afternoon.)
We had a lovely afternoon together. Then it was time to get ready to go out to eat. Another one of our traditions, the birthday girl or boy gets to pick a restaurant for their evening celebration (and maybe this was one of those ideas that seemed good at the time but that we didn´t think through. When they were small it was always Happy Meals at McDonalds that they wanted which was ok, didn´t cost too much - nowdays they pick real restaurants!! I hate getting the bill!! haha)
So Leah picked her restaurant and we all headed out, well only four of us went to the restaurant. Sara had made other plans.
You see Leah was going to camp with the church after we had visited the restaurant but Sara thought she was going after she got her presents and cake, so she made other arrangements. Rather exciting arrangements too! She had arranged with her cousin to go and look at an apartment in Copenhagen, one they might share together! (Yes it´s all rather exciting!) So Sara went off to meet her cousin and we headed to the restaurant.
We took a walk through the castle grounds (because we parked the car there, you know me and my free parking! haha) and we had loads of laughs taking funny pictures at the fountain.(Little amuses us!)
We finally arrived at the restaurant and had a wonderful meal. Then it was off with Leah to camp. The teenagers were going to spend the night at the church summer house. The camp started at 7pm and Leah arrived by 8pm. They had arranged a surprise party for her with presents and cake etc. She was so happy and was glad that she had decided to go even though it was her birthday. She had a great weekend away with her friends.
On Saturday morning we were invited down to Kristian´s sister´s Birthday. Her husband made a surprise brunch for her and invited us along with a few other family members. Hanne was not expecting anyone and was rather surprised to see us standing there so early on a Saturday morning. We had a delicious brunch with loads of chatter and catching up.
The biggish apartment is rented out until July next year,but after that Sara and Christine can rent it.
The little one room apartment is available from February. Sara is now thinking about renting that from February to July and then she would move into the bigger apartment with her cousin in July. It would be handy for Sara as it is only a few minutes walk from her school. She would save herself an hour and 20 minutes travel time every day.
I think it would be great for her so let´s see what happens. She was really excited about it on Friday evening and was working out all the finances for it. As for me I was working out where I would have the bed, wardrobe etc when we finally get our old room back again!! haha
After spending a few hours with Hanne, Flemming and the rest of the family, Kristian and I headed out to a tennis match. YES - I wrote tennis!!
He was given free tickets to the European Championships through his work so we thought we would just check it out. We have only ever watched tennis on TV so it would be an new experience for us.
It was Danmark playing Bosnia Herzegovina and it was fun to be in the arena while the match was on. We stayed and watched for 1½ hours and then decided we had had enough. We don´t know who eventually won as it was one set each when we left. It was fun to try something new, especially since it didn´t cost us anything!
Thursday was an historic day for Danmark. There was an election and we got our first woman Prime Minister. I have never really followed politics before but this time I was really into it. I followed the different debates and found it all rather interesting! (I must be getting more mature! haha)
Well Kristian was invited into the Parliament building to play his sax. There were big parties being held in Parliament, each political party having their own room to party in. Kristian was invited together with a gospel choir who were singing for the Christian Democratic party.
I was at home following the election on TV and three times during the evening Kristian popped unto the TV screen. There he was standing playing his sax! He had a great evening. He said that the atmosphere was fantastic and he got to visit all the different policitical parties. He finally arrived home at 1am!! Unfortunately the Reds won and we have now got ourselves a woman Prime Minister! Let´s see how that all goes!!
An update on Dad:- Dad is now home again. He got home on Thursday, late afternoon and is doing good. He just has to go back up to the hospital next week for a check up. He is sooo happy to be home again after 2 weeks in the hospital.
Kristian is now also going to Ireland in October. At first we didn´t think it would work out, but it did. He will first come Saturday 15th and travel back with Leah and me on the 19th.It is not such a long time but at least he will be able to help with the heavy moving in those days.
Sara and Andrew are staying at home to look after the cat, house and each other!
Monday, 12 September 2011
Wind and rain
Yesterday the weather was gorgeous. Warm and sunny. I spent an hour out on the balcony in a t-shirt lying on my bench reading.
This evening it´s blowing a gale and has now started raining. Guess which day I loved the most? Yes - TODAY! I am LOVING this weather!! I love Autumn, I love the dark evenings, I love the rain and the wind. Tonight I am feeling rather content.
I talked to dad this evening. He got some more units of blood today. I think he said he got 3 units of blood but I am not sure it he meant that he got all 3 units of blood today, or that he, in total, has gotten 3 units of blood. How much is a unit of blood anyhow? He was given some blood yesterday (or maybe that was Saturday - the days seem to run together for me) but they had to stop as he had a reaction to it.
He sounds good on the phone. Not weary or tired but bright. They have moved him from 9 north to 7 south. They needed the bed in 9 north. He seemed content this evening when I talked to him. He still has a fever on and off and they have discovered that the antibiotics he has been on have been messing with his white blood count so they are trying to get that under control.
This evening I booked my flight home in October. Leah and I will be arriving 12th October and leaving 19th October. One week to make the house move for dad. Kristian was hoping to come along too, but unfortunately he is teaching some of those days and it is impossible for him to get out of it. If he were to come later it would only be for 3 full days and the ticket is rather exspensive!We are flying SAS! What luxury and the best thing is that we got it really cheap, probably because it is the middle of the week!! I can´t wait to get back home again:-)
So that is all my news for today. I am now heading into bed, totally exhausted again but that´s because I woke this morning at 4am! I was wide awake and in a bit of a state. Let me explain: Last night I started reading this book about a little girl that was physically abused and then I had this awful dream that Sara and Andrew were getting abused. (don´t know what happened to Leah - she wasn´t in the dream) but I woke up totally distrubed. It was awful. I wanted to go in and hug them both!
Anyway I knew it was just a dream and told myself to go back to sleep again. I tried to get to sleep but the more I tried the more I couldnt. I was getting into a real panic!! I only had 2 hours before I had to get up so it was a race against time to get to sleep again!
Well I didn´t get to sleep, I lay they for two hours. My alarm rang at 5.50am and I thought "ok I will lie here for 10 more minutes and then get up." Guess what? I feel asleep, isn´t that typical. When my alarm rang at 6am I could hardly wake up again.
So no more reading of that book, it was too distrubing! I think I might have a go at my Adrian Plass diary again.....now that ALWAYS makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood!
Saturday, 10 September 2011
All sorted.....
yes, my house is all sorted out again, at least for another few days! It never lasts long with 3 kids at home! When I came back from Ireland the place was a mess!!Honestly!! Kristian and the kids had been sick. When they felt better they were out and about and had no time to sort out the mess they had made while they were all at home sick!
I have now warned them that if they mess up the place again, especially the bathroom, I am just getting a bin bag and throwing everything out - creams, perfumes, clothes etc. I don´t care, if they leave it lying and don´t tidy it up it is out! Maybe that will teach them to clear up after themselves. (Ah good to get that off my chest - rant over!!)
So Wednesday evening I was back in my own wee bed. I was exhausted and looking forward to a good nights sleep. I had to be up at 6am for work on Thursday. I had no sooner fallen asleep when Leah called me "Mum I am going to be sick" I dragged myself out of bed and of we went to the bathroom. She just couldn´t be sick but had this awful nausea feeling. I felt sooo sorry for her. She went back to bed and tried to sleep. I had just fallen asleep when, once again, she woke me! She still couldn´t be sick but was feeling rotten. Finally after a few more attempts at being sick she settled into bed and fell asleep. The next morning she was feeling fine again.
For me Thursday was a hard day at work! I was sooo exhausted! I dragged myself through the day. But it was great being back and seeing all my colleagues again.
Today I finally had a lovely looooong lie it!! Kristian left early this morning to go to Sweden with his brother-in-law to a go-kart race. (What else?!!) He was all excited. They will be sleeping in a tent at the track. He will be home tomorrow evening. Meanwhile I got the house sorted out and enjoyed just going about the place at my own speed. Absolutely no stress.

Now I am going to head into bed with my Kindle! Yes I got a Kindle!! I LOVE it. This morning I was on downloading books. I downloaded 8 free books and bought one for £2.50!! The best thing is that I don´t have to wait a week to get them. A few minutes after buying them they are on my Kindle. I thought I might miss the feel of a book but I actually don´t miss the paper. The Kindle is also so much easier to hold and read while lying down in bed. I LOVE this new technology!!
I talked to dad tonight. He is doing so much better. They gave him blood yesterday and when I talked to him this evening they had started another transfusion. They have taken the catheter out, which he is very happy about. They are now talking about letting him go home on Monday or Tuesday, so that is great news!
I have now warned them that if they mess up the place again, especially the bathroom, I am just getting a bin bag and throwing everything out - creams, perfumes, clothes etc. I don´t care, if they leave it lying and don´t tidy it up it is out! Maybe that will teach them to clear up after themselves. (Ah good to get that off my chest - rant over!!)
So Wednesday evening I was back in my own wee bed. I was exhausted and looking forward to a good nights sleep. I had to be up at 6am for work on Thursday. I had no sooner fallen asleep when Leah called me "Mum I am going to be sick" I dragged myself out of bed and of we went to the bathroom. She just couldn´t be sick but had this awful nausea feeling. I felt sooo sorry for her. She went back to bed and tried to sleep. I had just fallen asleep when, once again, she woke me! She still couldn´t be sick but was feeling rotten. Finally after a few more attempts at being sick she settled into bed and fell asleep. The next morning she was feeling fine again.
For me Thursday was a hard day at work! I was sooo exhausted! I dragged myself through the day. But it was great being back and seeing all my colleagues again.
Today I finally had a lovely looooong lie it!! Kristian left early this morning to go to Sweden with his brother-in-law to a go-kart race. (What else?!!) He was all excited. They will be sleeping in a tent at the track. He will be home tomorrow evening. Meanwhile I got the house sorted out and enjoyed just going about the place at my own speed. Absolutely no stress.

Now I am going to head into bed with my Kindle! Yes I got a Kindle!! I LOVE it. This morning I was on downloading books. I downloaded 8 free books and bought one for £2.50!! The best thing is that I don´t have to wait a week to get them. A few minutes after buying them they are on my Kindle. I thought I might miss the feel of a book but I actually don´t miss the paper. The Kindle is also so much easier to hold and read while lying down in bed. I LOVE this new technology!!
I talked to dad tonight. He is doing so much better. They gave him blood yesterday and when I talked to him this evening they had started another transfusion. They have taken the catheter out, which he is very happy about. They are now talking about letting him go home on Monday or Tuesday, so that is great news!
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
It´s hard getting older......
Kristian turned 45 today! Happy Birthday Kristian!!
I arrived back in Denmark today. It was hard leaving dad in the hospital but he is in the best place and getting all the care and attention that he needs. I think he is enjoying having all those women pampering him! :-)
I said goodbye to him last night as I was leaving at 7 o´clock this morning. I walked down to the bus station and got the bus to Dublin to catch my flight to Denmark. Everything went like clockwork! At 3.30pm this afternoon I landed in Copenhagen. Sara had taken the train in from school to meet me and shortly after saying hello to her, Kristian turned up.
Before leaving Ireland I just had to have a trip into Belfast. On Monday morning I headed into Belfast to have a wee dander around. It was wonderful! I just love Belfast! Everytime I am home I always get this content, homely feeling when I arrive into the centre of Belfast. Belfast is my city!! So I wandered around for a couple of hours and amazingly didn´t buy anything - oh except walnut whips from Marksies.(which I ate walking up to the hospital - I know disgusting eating them all at once!)
From town I headed up to the hospital to visit dad. The rest of Monday was spent at the hospital.
Tuesday morning I decided to take a walk around the area where I grew up. What a different place it is now. The tearing down of the houses in the area has already begun. It looked like a warzone.
Then I headed up the Boucher Road to Marks and Spencers to get some food in for dad so when he finally gets home from hospital he has food in the freezer. Again the rest of the day was spent at the hospital.
On the way home from the hospital I met my friend Sharon on the Donegal Road and was able to get a ride home. I was so thankful for that, as it was dark and cold. She came in and had a quick cup of tea before heading home. It was great to see her again even if it was only for a short time.
The time at home went by sooo fast. It didn´t go as planned, I didn´t get half the things packed that I wanted to, but I least I was there for dad.
I talked to dad this afternoon and he sounded good. They are still keeping an eye on his blood counts and his kidneys are still not functioning properly yet, but there is a big improvement so things are going in the right direction.
One good thing about being back in Denmark is seeing the kids and Kristian again. Since it was Kristian´s birthday we all went out to dinner. Kristian usually goes to the same restaurant again and again but tonight he decided to try a new restaurant! He is getting very adventureous in his old age!! We had a cosy evening out. Now it´s time for bed...we are all exhausted. It´s back to work tomorrow which I really can´t get my head around. I am not ready to go back to work yet - ah well a good nights sleep should cure that!!
Monday, 5 September 2011
A room with a view
Dad has got himself a room with a view.....
He is in the City Hospital on the 9th floor. What a brilliant view there is over the whole city.
Dad ended up in the hospital on Friday evening. He had a high fever on Thursday and the doctor had been home with us, checking him out. They realised he had a kidney infection and got him started on some Penicillin. Then on Friday the nurse came to take his blood. When the results came back they were not happy with them. His blood platelets were low and his infection count was high. They were not happy to let him stay at home over the weekend so they sent an ambulance and within an hour he was in the City.
At 6.20pm Friday evening we were admitted to the City. They did loads of tests on dad and discovered he had low blood pressure, he needed Potassium and that a blood transfusion would also be a good idea. They were worried about his kidney infection and wanted to keep and eye on him.Dad was looking pale and very tired - in fact he was totally exhausted. He was not himself. Once he was settled in the ward I left, that was at 00.40. I got a taxi home and around 1.30am I was getting into bed.. It had been one loooong evening.
In fact it had been one loooong day. It started with me getting up to get some more of the house sorted out. Then my cousin Lorraine dropped by. She wanted to see if there was anything she could do and to hear about dad.
We did a bit of sorting through all of mum's figurines and we also had a wee walk down memory lane - literally.
While we were growing up Lorraine's granny lived down the street from us, so as kids we would run up and down the street from my house to her grannies and back again. We remembered writing our names on the bricks around her granny's door, so we decided to go and have a look and see if those names were still there.
They were!! Lorraine's name was all over the place - she was a right wee graffiti artist!! As for me, well my name was only written once!(shine my halo!) We ended up walking up the street looking at the different bricks around the doors and noticed how many people throughout the years had scraped their names on the bricks. These bricks contain history and in a few months they will just be rubble. Rather sad:-(
(above is only one of Lorraine's graffiti works! haha)
Saturday morning I got stuck into dad's house again and then it was of to the hospital. Family and friends were gathered around Dad's bed and it was great seeing everyone again, especially since I didn't think I would see anyone on this visit home. Dad still had a fever and was very tired, or rather exhausted. My Saturday afternoon was spent at the hospital.
My Aunt Kathleen (Dad's sister) was up at the hospital and so when visiting time was over instead of walking up to dads to get a bite to eat, Aunt Kathleen and I walked to Shaftsbury Square and got a fish. It was delicious. It was great to spend some time with my Aunt.
Then it was back to see dad. Again a whole lot of old friends were up seeing dad and so I got to see them too. Lorraine arrived up too and when visiting was over she offered to drive me home. Howcver we took a wee de-tour past a coffee shop and sat and had a coffee and hot chocolate and got caught up with each others life. A welcome break from the hospital and house!
Sunday morning I had a lie in., Then the rest of the day was spent at the hospital. A quick walk home for a bite to eat and then back again to dad. I certainly am getting my exercise this week. Thank goodness it's not that cold outside as I only brought a light jacket. I said to Kristian while leaving Denmark " I'll just take this light jacket, we won't be out and if I am it will be in dad's car" How wrong I was!! I have walked miles since coming home!! hahaha
Dad looked so much better yesterday (Sunday). He had a better colour, his fever was down and even though he was tired he had lost that exhausted look. He was talking and joking away so I felt much happier leaving him last night.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
A foreigner in my own land.....
Twenty one years ago today I made some very serious promises to Kristian. I said these very words.... "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” (from the book of Ruth)
Over the last 21 years I have tried to keep those promises. I have gone where he has gone and I have made his people (the Danes) my people. I have adapted to a new culture, a new language (even though I haven't always done it without complaining - I will admit that!!) but I have tried to keep my end of the deal. I have now lived the same amount of time in Denmark as I lived in Ireland.
And now I am back in Ireland. I arrived last night at 10.15pm and dad was there to pick me up. It's great seeing him again. The reason for my visit this time is to get things organised for his house move. The area where he lives is being pulled down. It's rather sad seeing the street that I grew up on so desolate and run down. There are very few houses left, very different now to just a few years ago. I'm glad dad has got somewhere else to settle.
So today was spent in the kitchen, not cooking (thank goodness) but clearing out cupboards and packing.There is soooo much to pack and organise,40 years worth of stuff to sort through.
The morning went well and I got a few cupboards sorted out.
Dad was feeling tired, he hadn't slept too well last night so at lunchtime I sent him up to bed for a few hours sleep. When he woke he was feeling rotten. He had a fever of 102,6F. He was burning up.
What should I do? What is the procedure over here when one is sick and its nearly 5pm - who do you call? I was feeling like a real foreigner in my own country. In Denmark I know exactly what to do.....but over here I was a bit lost. I decided to ring the doctors anyway and just see what happened. Well to cut a long story short I got to talk to a doctor who told me I could collect some penicillin for him at the local chemist and that another doctor was on the way to check him out.
The time was 5.40pm and I knew the chemist would be shutting soon so I quickly ran over to see if I could make it in time. I was too late. They were already closed. So home I went. I had just arrived back when the doctor came. She confirmed that he had a urine infection and suggested I go to the chemist in town to get the penicillin.
So I made dad a bit to eat and then I set of on a mission to make it into Boots before they closed. The time was 7.30pm and I had no idea what time they closed. Once again I felt like a foreigner in my own land!
I had to walk as I am not on dad's car insurance, but it was a nice evening and I enjoyed the walk. Going down Shaftsbury Square I noticed a chemist that was still opened so I was able to get the penicillin there without having to go the whole way into the centre of town.
Now that I had the medicine I realised I was hungry. I had not eaten since breakfast (ok I better tell the truth, I ate nearly a whole pack of Gold biscuits - first time I have tried them and they are to die for!! totally addicted!) So apart from biscuits I had not had any real food since breakfast. So since it was my wedding anniversary I decided to treat myself to a subway before the long walk home again. It was delicious! It would have been perfect if Kristian had have been there too.
Just before heading home I noticed a Tescos and went in to buy a drink, but I also found a pack of pickled onion crisps - its been years since I have had pickled onion flavoured crisps.
Then I noticed Toffee crisps, once again it's years since I have had one of those, so I bought one. When I got to the cash desk the girl told me I could pay 55p for one toffee crisp or get 4 for a pound!! Well I got a bit excited about that news, did something weird with my hand so that my purse turned upside down. Since I hadn't zipped my purse, all my coins fell out along with the key to dads house. Talk about embrassing....it was a sort of Miranda moment!!! I didn't know where to look!! haha(such fun)
Anyway after that bit of embrassement, I enjoyed the dander home eating my crisps, drinking my coke and eating my toffee crisp.I thought about life and about how good I actually have it. I am blessed to be able to call two countries my home, I am blessed to have a husband who loves me even after 21 years of living with me and all my crazy, silly ideas. I really do love my life. Another thing I decided on the way home was to write a "Bucket List" , you know, a list of the things I want to achieve before kicking the bucket. I will have to pick up a new notebook for that.(goody, love buying new notebooks!)
Just to end a note for Kristian:- .Kristian this is for you. This was our song 21 years ago and it still rings true today. We do have a groovy kind of love:-) Happy Anniversary, hope the next 21 are just as good! Jeg elsker dig:-)
Over the last 21 years I have tried to keep those promises. I have gone where he has gone and I have made his people (the Danes) my people. I have adapted to a new culture, a new language (even though I haven't always done it without complaining - I will admit that!!) but I have tried to keep my end of the deal. I have now lived the same amount of time in Denmark as I lived in Ireland.
And now I am back in Ireland. I arrived last night at 10.15pm and dad was there to pick me up. It's great seeing him again. The reason for my visit this time is to get things organised for his house move. The area where he lives is being pulled down. It's rather sad seeing the street that I grew up on so desolate and run down. There are very few houses left, very different now to just a few years ago. I'm glad dad has got somewhere else to settle.
So today was spent in the kitchen, not cooking (thank goodness) but clearing out cupboards and packing.There is soooo much to pack and organise,40 years worth of stuff to sort through.
The morning went well and I got a few cupboards sorted out.
Dad was feeling tired, he hadn't slept too well last night so at lunchtime I sent him up to bed for a few hours sleep. When he woke he was feeling rotten. He had a fever of 102,6F. He was burning up.
What should I do? What is the procedure over here when one is sick and its nearly 5pm - who do you call? I was feeling like a real foreigner in my own country. In Denmark I know exactly what to do.....but over here I was a bit lost. I decided to ring the doctors anyway and just see what happened. Well to cut a long story short I got to talk to a doctor who told me I could collect some penicillin for him at the local chemist and that another doctor was on the way to check him out.
The time was 5.40pm and I knew the chemist would be shutting soon so I quickly ran over to see if I could make it in time. I was too late. They were already closed. So home I went. I had just arrived back when the doctor came. She confirmed that he had a urine infection and suggested I go to the chemist in town to get the penicillin.
So I made dad a bit to eat and then I set of on a mission to make it into Boots before they closed. The time was 7.30pm and I had no idea what time they closed. Once again I felt like a foreigner in my own land!
I had to walk as I am not on dad's car insurance, but it was a nice evening and I enjoyed the walk. Going down Shaftsbury Square I noticed a chemist that was still opened so I was able to get the penicillin there without having to go the whole way into the centre of town.
Now that I had the medicine I realised I was hungry. I had not eaten since breakfast (ok I better tell the truth, I ate nearly a whole pack of Gold biscuits - first time I have tried them and they are to die for!! totally addicted!) So apart from biscuits I had not had any real food since breakfast. So since it was my wedding anniversary I decided to treat myself to a subway before the long walk home again. It was delicious! It would have been perfect if Kristian had have been there too.
Just before heading home I noticed a Tescos and went in to buy a drink, but I also found a pack of pickled onion crisps - its been years since I have had pickled onion flavoured crisps.
Then I noticed Toffee crisps, once again it's years since I have had one of those, so I bought one. When I got to the cash desk the girl told me I could pay 55p for one toffee crisp or get 4 for a pound!! Well I got a bit excited about that news, did something weird with my hand so that my purse turned upside down. Since I hadn't zipped my purse, all my coins fell out along with the key to dads house. Talk about embrassing....it was a sort of Miranda moment!!! I didn't know where to look!! haha(such fun)
Anyway after that bit of embrassement, I enjoyed the dander home eating my crisps, drinking my coke and eating my toffee crisp.I thought about life and about how good I actually have it. I am blessed to be able to call two countries my home, I am blessed to have a husband who loves me even after 21 years of living with me and all my crazy, silly ideas. I really do love my life. Another thing I decided on the way home was to write a "Bucket List" , you know, a list of the things I want to achieve before kicking the bucket. I will have to pick up a new notebook for that.(goody, love buying new notebooks!)
Just to end a note for Kristian:- .Kristian this is for you. This was our song 21 years ago and it still rings true today. We do have a groovy kind of love:-) Happy Anniversary, hope the next 21 are just as good! Jeg elsker dig:-)
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