Monday 19 September 2011

Monday night....

For a few weeks now I have been trying to organise a weekly programme for myself, you know the type of thing - Monday night I would do a certain activity, Tuesday I would do something different etc.

Well for a while I have been thinking that Monday night would be a good night for painting. I would follow some lessons on YouTube and every Monday evening produce another painting.
For a few weeks now I have been trying to do this, but it never seemed to happen  that is until tonight. Finally I got it together and was able to paint. Below is the result.

I wasn´t that happy with the painting. I was actually about to destroy it and pack everything away when Kristian came home. (He had been visiting some go-kart friends) He thought it was good and told me not to stop to just keep working at it, so I did.

 It´s not how I wanted it, but it will have to do. It has been fun sitting painting on a week night, I usually only paint on a Saturday or when I have holidays. Now lets see if I can keep it up!! 

Now to plan tomorrow......

1 comment:

Rhoda said...

Catching up on the blogs Laura. Sorry I missed all that about your dad - but good you were there to get him the help he needed.
I so know what you mean about 2 homes - I think only Irish people say that, we never really leave home!
It was so sad seeing your Dad's street - yes it's good he's moving out. And so funny seeing your names on the bricks!
Anyway good to catch up on your news.