Monday 5 September 2011

A room with a view

Dad has got himself a room with a view.....

He is in the City Hospital on the 9th floor. What a brilliant view there is over the whole city.

 Dad ended up in the hospital on Friday evening. He had a high fever on Thursday and the doctor had been home with us, checking him out.  They realised he had a kidney infection and got him started on some Penicillin. Then on Friday the nurse came to take his blood. When the results came back they were not  happy with them. His blood platelets were low and his infection count was high. They were not happy to let him stay at home over the weekend so they sent an ambulance and within an hour he was in the City.

At 6.20pm Friday evening we were admitted to the City. They did loads of tests on dad and discovered he had low blood pressure, he needed Potassium and that a blood transfusion would also be a good idea. They were worried about his kidney infection and wanted to keep and eye on him.Dad was looking pale and very tired - in fact he was totally exhausted. He was not himself. Once he was settled in the ward I left, that was at 00.40. I  got a taxi home and around 1.30am I was getting into bed.. It had been one loooong evening.

In fact it had been one loooong day. It started with me getting up to get some more of the house sorted out. Then my cousin Lorraine dropped by. She wanted to see if there was anything she could do and to hear about dad.

We did a bit of sorting through all of mum's figurines and we also had a wee walk down memory lane - literally.

While we were growing up Lorraine's granny lived down the street from us, so as kids we would run up and down the street from my house to her grannies and back again. We remembered writing our names on the bricks around her granny's door, so we decided to go and have a look and see if those names were still there.
They were!! Lorraine's name was all over the place - she was a right wee graffiti artist!! As for me, well my name was only written once!(shine my halo!) We ended up walking up the street looking at the different bricks around the doors and noticed how many people throughout the years had scraped their names on the bricks. These bricks contain history and in a few months they will just be rubble. Rather sad:-(

               (above is only one of Lorraine's graffiti works! haha)

Saturday morning I got stuck into dad's house again and then it was of to the hospital. Family and friends were gathered around Dad's bed and it was great seeing everyone again, especially since I didn't think I would see anyone on this visit home.  Dad still had a fever and was very tired, or rather exhausted. My Saturday afternoon was spent at the hospital. 

My Aunt Kathleen (Dad's sister) was up at the hospital and so when visiting time was over instead of walking up to dads to get a bite to eat, Aunt Kathleen and I walked to Shaftsbury Square and got a fish. It was delicious. It was great to spend some time with my Aunt.

Then it was back to see dad. Again a whole lot of old friends were up seeing dad and so I got to see them too. Lorraine arrived up too and when visiting was over she offered to drive me home. Howcver we took a wee de-tour past a coffee shop and sat and had a coffee and hot chocolate and got caught up with each others life. A welcome break from the hospital and house!

Sunday morning I had a lie in., Then the rest of the day was spent at the hospital. A quick walk home for a bite to eat and then back again to dad.  I certainly am getting my exercise this week. Thank goodness it's not that cold outside as I only brought a light jacket. I said to Kristian while leaving Denmark " I'll just take this light jacket, we won't be out and if I am it will be in dad's car" How wrong I was!! I have walked miles since coming home!! hahaha

Dad looked so much better yesterday (Sunday). He had a better colour, his fever was down and even though he was tired he had lost that exhausted look. He was talking and joking away so I felt much happier leaving him last night.

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