Tuesday 4 October 2011

A bit different.....

So far, this week has been a bit different.  

On Monday when I came home from work there was not one single person home! That NEVER happens around here!  There is always someone around and usually there is a bunch of friends with them. So it was weird walking into the house, shouting hello and getting no response. But oh how I enjoyed those few hours of peace and quiet. 

Where was everyone? Well, Leah had gone to her gospel choir, Sara was still in England, Andrew was at school, it was his long day, and Kristian was away on a course with work.(He will first be home on Wednesday evening.) So that´s the reason there was only me at home Monday afternoon - me, the cat and silence!! It was good!!!

 So this week is a bit of a different week for me. Usually I have a few things on during the week, like meetings or friends to catch up with. This week, however,  I have nothing on!! It is soooo strange. I am not out any night this week and I am so enjoying the break. I was out shopping with my old lady today but this evening I have been home. On Thursday I will go get my hair cut after work but then I will just come home and be at home the rest of the evening. I hardly ever have a week like this......it´s nice but I  am not sure I would like it to be like this every week. I enjoy running around to different things, seeing friends and being involved in activities.I must admit though, being different is also rather nice!

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