Sunday 2 October 2011

Copenhagen from a different angle....

Friday evening we were invited out by some friends. They have just bought a boat and because the weather was so fantastic, they decided to go sailing through Copenhagen. We, along with another couple, were invited along. 

Kristian was all excited. He loves sailing.  I was a bit apprehensive,  me and boats are not usually a good combination but I was looking forward to seeing our friends and since the weather was gorgeous I took up the challenge. I was relieved when I saw the size of the boat - it wasn´t too small so I wouldn´t make a total fool of myself!

We had a wonderful evening. It was amazing the buildings I saw from the water that I have never noticed while driving with Kristian. We sailed up the different canals in Copenhagen and we  found a lovely place to moor. Birthe (our friend) had made some delicious hot soup and we sat in the boat and had a cosy few hours, eating, chatting and laughing. The soup was just what we needed. Once the sun went down, it was cold.

It was a really wonderful evening. I actually wouldn´t mind a boat like that! (I can´t believe I said that!!)

Saturday I was busy food shopping, cleaning and preparing Sunday School. Kristian had also a busy Saturday. He had a few meetings on in Copenhagen so I didn´t see too much of him during the day. He was home in the evening.

Today I had a totally relaxing Sunday. Sunday School went well and after church I came home and just relaxed big time! It has been a rather wonderful weekend.:-)  

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