Saturday 21 January 2012

New Year Resolutions.....

Normally at the start of each new year I have a few new year resolutions, but at the start of this year I had nothing. I sure am running behind!! So over the last few days I have been thinking about what I want to achieve this year. What are my goals? What are my dreams and vision?

I came up with a few.....

First and foremost I want to be changed! Don´t panic! I am not talking about a nose job or a face lift, (although I could probably do with some help in those areas!)What I am talking about is being changed to be more like Jesus.

I want to be obedient to what God tells me to do, or in some cases, what He tells me not to do.

 Many times I know what God wants me to do but actually getting around to doing it can take a bit of time. Why? Because most of the time my flesh has to die!!! For example if Kristian does something that makes me mad, I know God wants me to forgive him and go and make peace but my flesh wants to throw a fit, bang a few door, sigh a few big sighs or just go in a huff and not speak to him. For me to obey God I have to go against what my flesh thinks and feels and that can be so hard! But to be obedient I have to choose to do what God says no matter what I feel like.  It might feel all wrong in my flesh but I can still do the right thing - I can obey God. This is my big challenge for this year. To kill my flesh so I can be obedient to God.

I want to try and do a bit more painting. Maybe paint 2 pictures a month.

I want to try and lose some weight and get healthy again. I haven´t exercised for such a long time so my goal is to get back into healthy eating and getting fitter.

I want to save up for my re-born baby doll. Everyone I know thinks they are freaky and that I am just as freaky wanting one! I´m not -  I have just always loved dolls and I think these dolls are works of art. Hopefully before the end of 2012 I will have one lying on my bed.

I want to learn a new language, maybe Italian. (OK I know I should maybe work on my Danish!! but Italian is just such a romantic language!! haha)

I want to visit Rome, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and London - not necessarily in that order! If I am honest and realistic I could tell you now that I will probably not achieve any of those cities this year but one can dream!

I want to get a tattoo - only joking! (that woke you up! eh?!)

I want to remember to keep my sense of wonder -  look at the stars, walk in the rain, enjoy nature.

I want to love my family and friends and be there for them.

I want to laugh more.

I want to continue to learn how to be content no matter what situation I find myself in.

I could go on and on but I better stop. I wonder what 2012 will hold for us all? Will I achieve any of these things? Time will tell.

It´s now Saturday evening. The house has been cleaned and organised. Leah and I are about to go and watch a Doris Day film. We are really into the old Doris Day films at the moment. Must say, there is nothing better than a Saturday evening at home with the family and a lovely clean house. Life is good.


lisa said...

I love Doris Day! Hope you enjoyed it xx Theres some brilliant resolutions there, especially the tattoo one haha!!

Laura said...

I love Doris Day too. As a teenager I remember watching On Moonlight Bay and By the light of the silvery Moon. I was wondering if you get them on DVD and was always meaning to check Amazon but only ever thought of it when I wasn´t near a computer. Then when I was home at Christmas I went into HMV and there before my eyes was a box of Doris Day DVD´s - I think 8 films or something and those two were in it, so I bought it:-) Now we are working our way through the box of films!