Tuesday 8 May 2012

Blue Monday.....

Yesterday was a special day for Leah. It was her "Blue Monday". Now for those of you living on the Emerald Isle, (or else where)  you will probably have no idea what that is. Let me explain....

Over here when you are in 8th grade you, and your class, get confirmed. It is nearly as big as a wedding!! Big white dresses for the girls, suits and ties for the boys. Limousines, horse and carriage, or old sports cars, are among some of the things that can be waiting, outside the church, to drive the kids away after the service. 

Once the service is over the kids go their separate ways and each family holds a party with speeches and songs for the one who got confirmed. Then on the Monday after the confirmation the kids are off school and they arrange a day of activities together. 

Leah didn´t get confirmed as we are not members of the State church, so we had no big party to arrange for her. However she was going to the "Blue Monday" and she was really looking forward to the day out with her class. They had arranged brunch at one of her classmates, then it was a trip into Copenhagen and a visit to Tivoli. In the evening it was back to another classmates house for a party. 

She had a great day! 

Monday was also a "blue" day for me too. It was my birthday!!! haha I turned 43, just  another year closer to the dreaded 50!!! haha  Actually I had a lovely birthday.

We didn´t have too much planned as I had to leave at 5pm to go and help with the party for Leah and her classmates. However we did have a cosy afternoon. 

Kristian got home from work before me. He had bought my favourite strawberry cake and by the time that I got home, he had the table set for tea and cake. Sara and Andrew were also there and we had a lovely afternoon stuffing our faces. I got some WONDERFUL presents. Sara got me a lovely perfume - so now I can stop stealing hers!! Andrew got me a gift card to Matas, a type of shop like Boots, so I can go and buy some more perfume!  

Kristian´s present was/is AMAZING!!  He wrote to my boss and arranged for me to be off work this coming Friday as he is taking me to Paris for the weekend!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! HOW WILD IS THAT!!! I am sooo excited. We leave on Thursday afternoon and come back late Sunday evening!! 

We are going to drive down through Germany, through Belgium and into France. It will take about 12 hours!!  People think we are crazy driving all that way but we LOVE driving. Well, Kristian LOVES driving and I love sitting talking to him. It´s such a fun part of the journey for us. Sara and Andrew will be looking after Leah and the house. I think they are also looking forward to having the place to themselves. 

I can´t believe I am finally getting to Paris!!! Way back in 2001 we did stay one night in Paris while on our way south on a camping holiday. We hardly saw anything as we only had about 4 hours there and we had small kids. It did give us a taste for Paris and since then we have wanted to go back. Better late than never!!! 

So Bon voyage everyone!! We will keep you posted:-)


Etta said...

have a fantastic holiday you guys! Very envious. love from Etta (who's months away from 50!!)

Laura said...

Thanks Etta - already having a great time:-) Will keep the blog posted....oh the dreaded 50!!! well you are only as old as you feel - just forget about the numbers!!! xox