Thursday 16 August 2012

A friend, Strawberry cake and Ikea.... just can´t get any better than this!

After work today I went to visit my friend Rhona. She had bought the most delicious strawberry cake. We had a lovely hour together, sitting in her garden eating cake and catching up with each others lives. It was really great seeing her again! The time always goes by too quickly when I visit her, today was no exception!

So after a really lovely afternoon it was home to make dinner. There was no one home when I arrived there, this was rather strange as there is always someone around this place. Where were they all? Well ,Leah was down helping her friend re-arrange her room. Andrew started school today so he had not arrived home yet. Sara was working, she had a late shift and Kristian still hadn´t arrived home from work. So I spent a good 45 minutes out on the balcony drawing up how our furniture should be in our new living room. (such fun!!!!) Before long though, the peace was gone and Andrew and Kristian came through the door followed shortly after by an exhausted Leah who had moved furniture around all afternoon with her friend, she had drilled holes in walls to put up shelves, and the shelves hadn´t fallen down! WOW what a real wee handy woman we have!

Sara came home around 7.30pm and was in a panic. She is moving too. She will move to the other side of  Denmark to a town called Aarhus. She will live in an apartment that her friend has bought. Sara will rent a room from her. Her friends furniture is being moved over there on Tuesday and Sara can also get her stuff moved too. She was in a panic because she needed a few big things for her move. So guess where I ended up this evening??!!! Back at Ikea!! Honestly I should have shares in that place!

Sara got what she needed for the move. Now all she needs is a job!! She is waiting to hear from a few places. If she gets one of these jobs she will move in a week or so, if not she will wait until October. 

Life is just a little crazy at the moment...everything is happening at once! But I am not complaining I am finding it all very exciting!


Lorraine said...

Just watched the video and I love the new place - I can't wait to see it - you'll have such fun getting it the way you want even though you'll be run off your feet! Looking forward to more pics!! Xxxx

Charlene said...
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Charlene said...

othat is crazy Laura! Just the way you like it