Tuesday 21 August 2012

A house in Tuscany....

Have you ever seen the movie, "Under the Tuscan Sun"? Well, it is one of my favorite movies. It´s about a woman who buys an old run down house in Tuscany and renovates it. A lot of other things happen in the film but I especially love  it because of the old house that gets transformed. 

Tonight I was feeling a bit like the girl from the film! We went over to clean up our new place and to do a bit of work on it. It has been such a fun evening!  

Kristian started to take down the old, horrible cupboards that were in the bathroom. 

 There was a cupboard in the kitchen that went into the bathroom. The walls were actually just made of that plastic sticky back stuff you put on your cupboards to make them look like wood.....there was no MDF or whatever it is you use to make walls! 

My hubby worked really hard!

 I also did a bit of work myself. The outside of the hosue was covered in cobwebs and needed a good cleaning. I got the cobwebs brushed away and the window and door washed down... 

The hall walls also got washed.

There is still along way to go but so far we are enjoying ourselves. We hope to put in an Ikea kitchen!! Now that will be a challenge has we have no idea what to do! 

In the film I mentioned earlier, the girl had Polish carpenters to help her with all the work. She just cooked food for them....Ummmmh maybe that is something we should consider. Well, watch this space and follow our renovations....we only have 6 weeks before we move in! YIKES!!! :-)


Pauline said...

Laura, I love reading your blog and what you get up to. If anyone can get that apartment looking ship shape, it's you!!! It must be weird though, moving at the same time as Sara. xxx

Laura said...

Totally weird moving at the same time as Sara. We did not expect this...we were just planning on moving beds around and I was happy to finally get a "real" bedroom! Thank goodness Sara is so independent and loves to take care of things herself. She organised her move with very little help from us. She is now settled in her new place and loving it. Pauline I really hope we can get this into shape!! Hope we haven´t bitten off more than we can chew!! But we are loving it. Last night we were out again measuring the kitchen to try and decide what we want to do with it and even kristian was saying how much he was enjoyinng working around the place and doing it up...he thought it was cosy! So we are really enjoying ourselves...at least so far!

Charlene said...

this might be a stupid question Laura, but is this normal for the people who rent the house to do all the work?

Laura said...

Not a stupid question at all. Usually when you rent you take the place as it is and the place could actually be moved into the way it is - just cleaning it. However the people have also said that we can do whatever we want with the place, we have never been allowed to anything with a house so we are just going to put a little money into the kitchen and bathroom then enjoy it for the years we have it.

Laura said...

Not a stupid question at all. Usually when you rent you take the place as it is and the place could actually be moved into the way it is - just cleaning it. However the people have also said that we can do whatever we want with the place, we have never been allowed to anything with a house so we are just going to put a little money into the kitchen and bathroom then enjoy it for the years we have it.