Tuesday 29 April 2008

Sad day for Kristian

Well you can probably guess from the title that Kristian didn´t get the job. :-(

He´s disappointed but we believe something else will turn up. So he´s back at the computer searching for more possible jobs. Hopefully he will get one soon so he can get going again. (Although I will miss his cleaning!! - maybe he should start his own cleaning business....now there´s a thought - must share it with him later.)

The weather is beautiful here in Denmark. Warm and sunny. We even sat out and ate lunch at work. Although maybe that wasn´t such a good idea. It was really hard to get going again. Don´t know how I got through the last few hours - but managed it.

Now it´s great to be home relaxing.Tonight I am heading off to Ikea with my friend Audry. Every other month we have a night at Ikea. We just LOVE going there. We spend 2-3 hours there and then when they close we end the evening with McDonalds. When the kids were small and I needed a bit of peace and quiet I would drive off to Ikea for a couple of hours. (I know you probably think I´m crazy, but going there really relax´s me!)Then I met Audry and found out she also had a love for Ikea. So we started having girls nights out at Ikea. I am sooo looking forward to this evening. Haven´t seen Audry in a while so it will be nice to catch up with her.Ok nothing very exciting to report today, so I think I better just stop waffling....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

getting to love ikea ....went everywhere for a bed to match our room.......just walked in and there it was just the bed we were looking for so bought in the boot and going home...