For those of you who follow this blog regulary, you will know that my husband is wild about motor sport and he himself races every week with a bunch of other crazy people. He has been wanting, for months, to change our wee office into a racing car setup. Well today he did it!
We could take the opportunity to clear out some of the rubbish we had collected over the years. So while Kristian worked on taking the computer apart, I sorted through boxes and sorted out the office. (still have 1 shelf to finish - amazing the stuff that can be stored in one wee office.)
I found some interesting things - a box filled with about 250 cassette tapes. These were our "letters" to each other while we were getting to know each other. When we started corresponding with each other (all those years ago) we sent a tape once a week, then as we got to know each other better it was twice a week. When we got engaged it was every other day that we made tapes to each other. It´s been 18 years since we have heard these tapes. Would be fun to lock ourselves away a weekend and listen to them!
When he´s not racing we can pull the curtains and hide his ugly "car" away.
I have had one last idea...I am thinking of painting the walls around the "car" like a racing track. When Kristian is sitting in his seat it will feel like he is looking out the window at a racing track. (Well that is the idea, don´t know if it will work in practise - probably could do with some help from you Lorraine!) So I might get started on that to-morrow.