Sunday 9 August 2009

Sara and Christines 18th

...Last night we held Saras 18th Birthday together with her cousin Christine. Sara is first 18 in September and Christine is 18 in a couple of weeks but they both wanted to hold their birthday party together. Last night was the only weekend that they both were free.
We had a fantastic night. Family and friends were gathered together to celebrate. We chatted, laughed and ate. Signe (Kristians sister) started the night off by singing a beautiful birthday song to them both. She also made a wonderful slide show of pictures telling all about their lives.
Leah sang a song to them both - you can hear a bit of it on the video below.

After the main course us parents held short speeches for our girls. Christines was in the form of a song that we all could sing along too. I had made a speech using some old video clips of Sara when she was small...really cute, funny clips. (might put them on here sometime)

Just before dessert we had a special visit - check it out.

After dessert we got the party going with a special song....

Then people just had a good time sitting around talking, while others, like Anne and me just danced and fooled around.

Sara enjoyed her party soooo much. She stayed with her cousin last night and when we got home she sent me an sms saying "Thanks for a great party, it was 100 times better than I had expected" So glad they enjoyed the evening, because I certainly did!


Stuart and Pauline said...

Good times Laura. Looks like it was a really fantastic celebration for Sara's 18th!!!! So glad she enjoyed it.

Charlene said...

Happy Birthday Sara! Wow what a fab party, you wouldn't half know you're a GB girl Laura - what with all that dressing up and dancing. So is that how you justified spending all that money on your Abba outfit and wig????????

Rhoda said...

What a laugh! Good to see you're getting your money out of your outfit.

Do sing Mamma Mia songs in your sleep?

Laura said...

It was fun Pauline - everyone seemed to enjoy the night.

I sure am getting my moneys worth out of that outfit and many more fun nights I have planned....just need to get them organised.

Now I´m going to save up for a thriller outfit and become MJ the second..hahaha

lisa said...

Ohhhh my my my!! You are fantastic Laura!!! The mamma mia thing was brilliant - I love it!! I cant get the thriller one to work though - Im going crazy trying it over and over.

Glad you all had a brill night but a video of Saras face while you were singing mamma mia wouldve been great.

lisa said...

I got it to work, its brilliant!! Laura, they should be on youtube! I have to show them to all my friends! Hilarious!