Saturday 31 December 2011

100 year birthday party......forest trip....friends...

PHEW!!! It has been a busy few days!

Thursday we were at a 100 year birthday party! My mother in law turned 76, my nephew turned 14 and my niece will be 10 in a few days. 76+14+10=100 hence we were at a 100 year birthday party. The whole family were gathered together and it was just a great afternoon and evening.

There was a new member in the family. My nephew`s girlfriend  got herself a wee dog. It was the centre of attention.

We were many who got to hold wee Buddy.

Kristian missed some of the party as he had to work but he came by after work. He then had to leave earlier than us as he had his yearly date with the boys in the forest. (Every year a group of about 5 or 6 fellas go out to the forest no matter what the weather and make a fire. They sit there for hours discussing all sorts of topics, sharing food and drinks and they just have a really cosy time!)

 Friday our friends Jette and Philip came by with their two children. They are just sooo cute (the kids that is). I love having them over. We had a cosy evening with them.

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