Friday 6 April 2012

I´m back....

....on Danish soil again.

It´s amazing how one hour you can be in one country and the next in a totally different one. 

Last night I was in Ireland with dad. During the evening we discovered that he needed bread. We talked about going up to the supermarket but considered leaving it until today. Then we thought it would be better to get it out of the way. So off we went just to get bread. Look what we came home with.....

There were so many bargins. Ah well, at least his cupboards are stocked!

So my plan was to get up early today and get all the beds changed, the washing on and clean the house for dad before I left at 1.30pm to head down to get the 2pm bus to Dublin. I would then fly out at 7pm. At about 11.40pm last night, I decided to go on line and check in. Thank goodness I did as it was then I discovered that I was actually booked on the 11.05am flight back to Copenhagen!! (Thank goodness we went shopping last night!)

Yikes - I needed to get busy. All the things I had planned to do today I needed to do before going to bed. It was nearly midnight so I couldn´t hoover, it would make too much noise for the neighbours. I did get dads bed changed though, got some washing ironed, folded and put away. It was 1 am when I finally turned off my light knowing that in a few hours I would be up again. Not a nice thought!

I was up at 5am! I caught the 6am bus to Dublin. Everything went like clockwork. I had time had the airport to get lost in my book and I actually finished it. That´s book number two finished. Just about to start book number 3 for the week! I LOVE having time to read

I talked to dad this evening. He was up getting platelets today but last night he wasn´t feeling the best. He was more breathless and feeling very tired. This is usually a sign that his blood is low. So today when he went to the hospital, sure enough his blood count was low. He now needs yet another transfer. So he is in the City Hospital getting blood again. Hopefully he will be home tomorrow (Saturday). I now feel so far from home. I wish I was still there.

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