Saturday 3 November 2012

Back to normal....

Life is finally getting back to normal.

This week we actually had a life outside of packing and un-packing! 

Thursday evening I got to see my friend Audry again. We went on our girlie night out to...wait for it... Ikea. We shopped till they closed the place at 9pm and then it was over to McDonalds for a good feed and chat. (I actually came home with more money in my purse than when I went! Now that´s a first! It´s because had a few things to return to Ikea!) It was great seeing her again and catching up with her life. The last time we were out together was in July so there was a lot of catching up to do. It was very late by the time I got home!

Friday I heard that my old lady friend was in hospital, so on the way home from work, I went by to see how she was doing. She was doing ok. They are doing lots of tests, so hopefully they will get to the bottom of her problems.

It was then off to do food shopping and stock up for the weekend and next week.  The house then got a hoovering and dusting and the bathroom got a cleaning. I made stew for dinner and after dinner I baked some buns. Phew! What a day, I really did accomplish a lot! 

I was excited about Friday evening because Sara was coming home. I was so looking forward to seeing her and also for her to see the new place. She had only seen the place when the old kitchen was in, the old lino down and the old carpet was on the living room floor. The place was dusty and smelly so I was looking forward to showing her what we had done.

 She had a friend with her - Christian. He is a very special person in her life. They have been going out for some time now and she seems to be in love. 

So the two of them arrived Friday evening, all the way from Århus. It was great catching up with her life over there. 

 Then this morning we had a well deserved lie in! I made brunch for us all and we had a few hours sitting around eating and talking. Sara and Christian then headed off to meet Winnie (Sara´s best friend) and Martin. who just happens to be Christian´s brother! Winnie and Martin are going out together too. Anyway, it was great seeing Sara, (and Chrsitan). Now we have to wait till Christmas to see her again.

After Sara and Christian left, Kristian and I spent the afternoon out in the garage emptying more boxes and clearing out. We worked for hours and made a small improvement in the garage. We still have my wee art studio/gallery to sort out too. This is a big project that is going to take a bit of time. but Rome wasn´t built in one day! I have to spring to get it all ready!

This evening we needed a break! We decided we would go and see the new James Bond film. Andrew wasn´t interested in seeing it, but Leah, Kristian and I were, so we booked tickets. We invited my good friend (and neighbour) Laura and her daughter. They were more than happy to come along, so after dinner all 5 of us piled into our wee car and away we went. The film was so good and we all really enjoyed it.
 Now it´s time for bed! This day, in fact this week has just flown by.

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