Tuesday 27 November 2012

No pain - no gain.....

....is what "they" say but from about last February I have had so much pain in my legs and there has been absolutely no gain!. Sometimes it was the left leg, other days it was the right leg and when at it´s worse it was both legs!! 

I have problems with my veins so sometimes they play up. But for the last while it has been the back of my right heel and up the back of my right leg that has been painful . It was like the tendon was not long enough, like it needed to be stretched. It was always worse in the morning or after sitting for a period of time.  Getting out of bed in the morning and walking to the bathroom just nearly killed me. 

Finally yesterday I got my act together and made an appointment to see the doctor. 

Now I don´t like going to doctors! Often, in my opinion, they don´t take enough time to investigate what the problem is and, in my opinion,  they are just  too quick to give pills! My opinion was proved right yesterday. (Bewared I feel a rant coming on!!! )  I sat 20 minutes in the waiting room yet was only about 8 minutes in at the doctor! I got my vital signs checked and all was well there. I went on to explain about my legs and feet. I was told I had a problem with my Achilles Tendon and then I was prescribed pain killers. For my vein problem I was told to go and see a Bandagists to get support socks made. 

I went on to tell about my hearing (everything is going down hill! - boy if I was a horse they would just take me out and shoot me!) anyway, I was told that I needed to make an appointment to see an ear, nose and throat doctor. The doctor suggested taking blood tests just to check everything was ok. I said "yes - ok, no problem." but  then was told that the blood couldn´t be taken there. I either had to go to the hospital or else come back any day in the week betweeen 8am and 8.30am. WHAT!!! I decided to forget about the blood.

So from the doctors I went to the chemist. Another 15 minutes wait there gave me time to think  How did my Achilles Tendon get damaged? What could I do to help it heal? What could I do to prevent it happening again? All these questions went through my mind. Why was I just given pain killers but nothing else was explained to me about the condition?!! I had loads of unanswered questions! Why didn´t these questions come while in with the doctor?!!!

So, last night I took the first pain killer just before going to bed. I woke up this morning and my oh my it was WONDERFUL!!! haha I had no pain! I had a tightness still at the back of my leg but there was no pain with it!

Today at work I had no pain - ALL DAY LONG!!! I am on my feet 6½ hours every day. I work 7½ hours a day but we get an hours break throughout the day. For the last 6 months I have longed for 2.30pm to come so I could finally go home and sit down. Usually by 2.30pm my legs feel like huge lumps of lead have been attached to them.

Today I felt different. For the first time in months I did not feel drained, I was so full of energy, my legs had no lead attached to them and there was no pain!

However I still have a problem. The tendon is still there. The tendon is still damaged. I just can´t feel the damage any longer.  Am I doing more damaged walking on it, or are the pain killers helping my leg relax so I can use it properly?  I really need to investigate this and find some answers. I don´t want to have to live on pain killers for the rest of my days!!

But for the time being I am sure going to enjoy the relief those pain killers are giving me!  

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