Sunday 7 April 2013

Big mistake.....

.....I went back to work on Thursday. I thought I was ready but I wasn´t.

As the day went by, I felt worse and worse. Finally by the time I got home I had fever again, my throat and ears were killing me and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I was meant to be going out to meet my friend Jette for a hot chocolate, but that had to be cancelled.

So Friday morning I was off work again and spent the morning in bed. Then at 11.30am I headed up to the doctors just to get the nurse to check my throat to see if I needed penicillin. Unfortunately the test showed it wasn´t a bacteria but a virus so no penicillin for me, just rest and hot drinks 

I also had to go to the hospital on Friday to have the blood pressure in my legs tested. The doctor there said they seemed fine. On one leg the pressure was a little down but nothing that you would do anything about. She seemed to think I should see a doctor about my veins and just get out and exercise so my muscles could get stronger.

 I agree. I want to exercise, I need to exercise but when your legs feel like lumps of lead have been put in them, they ache and you have pain in them, well you cant think of going out to run for ½ hour. 

These last many days I have been lying in bed constantly and my legs do not hurt at all! I could easily run for ½ hour or dance Zumba or Aerobics, so maybe I need to find another job where I am not on my feet all day long. Only problem there is, that I love my job and I am totally not interested in finding something else.

Anyway, back to this weekend. All weekend I have been in bed or on the sofa. My throat has been absolutely killing me, my ears too. However this morning I can feel a difference. My ears are not throat is still sore, but a lot better, it´s bearable and my cough has loosened so now I am coughing up green slim! (Lovely - I know you´re glad I shared that with you!) But it is sooo great to get rid of it all and to feel alot better, although my lungs are sore from all the coughing.  

I usually don´t get sick and when I do it is usually just for a couple of days, so this has been a real challenge for me. I have been so annoyed that I have had to stay in bed. It just seems like I am wasting so much time lying around doing nothing!

So today is another "take it easy day". I don´t think work will be seeing me tomorrow, but I hope that by Tuesday I am all better and ready to live life again.

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